Welcome to the virtual roda. As in a real roda the games are controlled by the soul of capoeira - listen to the music, and play that kind of game. If you have any complaints about material on this forum please contact Brabo at [email protected].

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  Topic: Welcome to the forum.
  2006-01-25 23:13:31
Please feel free to post about anything and everything. This forum is for everyone - Capoeira Pasifika members, friends, visitors to the site -- please say hi, you don't need to register or do anything except tell us your name and what you have to say!


  2006-01-26 11:56:04
Uuuu uuuuu a forum! Yay! I guess you didn't get around to announcing it yet, I recall no email anyhow. Well done bro.

So, is the 25th Feb ax� weekend on Waiheke confirmed yet? Scheduling minds want to know...
  2006-01-27 15:59:36
The Ax� weekend has been changed to the 25th (or thereabouts) of March, to accommodate for the possibility of Marcelo being able to come. He will be in Australia at around the same time, and if the stars align correctly we may be able to afford to bring him across to New Zealand for a workshop on Ax� Weekend.

Needless to say, this is a very worthy goal -- a workshop with Marcelo would be exceptionally valuable to capoeiristas all over New Zealand.
  2006-01-27 15:59:56
There should be some announcement shouldn't there...

The Auckland Ax� weekend has been postponed one month to the 25th March - and you should know Mr Scheduling Mind - aren't you on the Akld committee?

yes, well done on the forum Minhoca

  2006-02-03 13:29:05
Hey yall
This is nice
I like it here
<looks around>
  2006-02-04 17:56:40
wuzzzup!!! how much are we looking at to bring marcelo over? and how long will he be here for?
  Rabo Dobrado
  2006-02-08 10:21:24
Oi all, this looks cool. Hopefully it catches on and everyone gets posty posty :)

Can't wait for Waiheke, if it's anything like the Waiheke Axe Day we had last year. Man that was one of the best events we had all year. The axe was insane. Especially for a roda on loose, rocky, sloping sand in the dark with a bateria consisting of a guitar, a pandeiro, an upturned wheelbarrow for atabaque, a reco-hacksaw and 3 rocks for agogo. Heh, and that roda on the back of the ferry on the way home kicked ass :) And it's gotta be heaps better for a weekend and with Marcelo, ya? Anyhoo, I'll stop rambling.

~Rabo Dobrado/One of the Hannahs~
  2006-10-31 13:34:14
We are having a few problems at the moment - watch this space.
  2006-10-31 13:37:21
..and perhaps they're resolved?
  2006-10-31 13:38:21
They are! Hooray for Centrado and me! And thanks to Arranha ceu and rabo dobrado for reporting problems with the forum.
  2006-11-01 01:38:17
If anyone would like to see the pics from Halloween roda in Auckland, here's the link:


My apology for those who were not showned in the pics, the camera-girl was probably busy with a-go-go, or getting her ass kicked, or something similar :-)

  2006-11-01 08:55:03

Or, if anyone interested to see random pics of capoeira that I took in early days (well ... those were 'early days' for me), here's the link:


  2006-11-01 14:31:53
There should be some announcement shouldn't there...

The Auckland Ax� weekend has been postponed one month to the 25th March - and you should know Mr Scheduling Mind - aren't you on the Akld committee?

yes, well done on the forum Minhoca

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