Welcome to the virtual roda. As in a real roda the games are controlled by the soul of capoeira - listen to the music, and play that kind of game. If you have any complaints about material on this forum please contact Brabo at [email protected].

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  Topic: capoeira taranaki?
  (nick name)
  2006-10-14 13:19:44
Any one know of capoeira calsses in Taranaki or anyone interested in playing regularly? 2 of us have some basic knowlege, keen to play and learn though. Anyone else?
  2006-10-14 13:43:13

I'm from New Plymouth, live in Auckland at the mo, but I go home in the holidays from time to time. I'll be back for a weekish maybe from the 22nd to the 27th of this month, and then for a couple of weeks from mid-december to january if you're keen to meet up and train/play a little. I dunno about classes, all the times I've tried to find out there haven't been any, but I haven't asked around in a while. This is a pretty good place to find out though. Um, we can coordinate closer to the time I suppose. You can give me an email at oi.rastinha (at) gmail (dot) com if you wanna sort anything. Sweet :)
  2006-10-15 12:58:13
Hey, it would be wicked if someone with good knowledge of capoeira could teach in Taranaki, I have never been to any classes (because there aren't any) but have watched lots of movies and video clips of it and if someone could open a class I would DEFINITELY join, I also know loads of people at school (im 14) that would join as well.
  (nick name)
  2006-10-15 21:16:56
Choice. we just need a teacher. My basic knowlege dosen't really extend to teaching but can definatly have a play and try and help out where I can. I trained for a couple of years witht the wellington massive and know a few sequences and a couple of simple songs, very rough berimbau. Rastinha give me a call or email when you are in np. and we can t somthing up if your interested. Ethan same goes, if you interested in getting somthing going maby we try to organise a workshop here in np with someone who knows whats what and all get some basic skills and go from there. if you like i can try and t it up i guess we will need to get some numbers - get in touch. timwigs(at)ya hoo(dot)com
  2006-10-18 08:53:57
Tim bwoy! Good on ya for having a go at getting something going in the Naki. You know where to find us whenever you're back in the capital.
  tim bwoy
  2006-11-22 23:19:25
cher Zigue. any time you wanna come up and show us coasters a thing or 2 please do. the caravan is small but cosy. Any thoughts on capoeira for the Parihaka festival anybody? Brabo whats the deals with getting a workshop happening in N.P. Would you b keen to come and do a workshop if we can get sufficient numbers?
  2006-11-23 01:06:17
Ooh, ooh, and I live on the same street, and my house is bigish, with lots of space for people to crash (spare rooms, sleepouts and the like) Plus a big big backyard and a lounge you can run around in if you want to! Capoeiristas are always welcome in our neck of the woods :D Tim, I'll try not to be injured next time I go home, and perhaps actually catch up with you for once :). When is Parihaka? Probably in January or something when I'm away right? Meh :)
  tim bwoy
  2006-12-04 13:50:53
Parihaka is on the 5th, 6th, 7th Jan. Look forward to catching up with yall. So Bex and I met up with Ethan and a copuple of his bro's and had a little jogo, some music etc. I had fun and rediscovered some old muscles both vocal and others. It seemed to work well and we have the oakura community hall booked every monday at 6pm if anyone else is interested- the more the merrier.
  2006-12-04 14:24:42
Oh yes, that's awesome! :D I'll be home between about the 18th of december and new years, so I'll be there for sure between then :D If you guys are gonna be there over that period anyway (I hope so). Wicked :D
  2006-12-04 21:39:35
Yeah. I'm up for a workshop in Taranaki. That'd be wicked. email me [email protected]
  2006-12-05 09:40:39
Ooh, ooh, do it when I'm there! Wait, I'm only gonna be there from 18th-31st... Not a lot of time for promo I suppose, and I dunno how many people there'd be between xmas and new years... Though I suppose lots of people will be on holiday... Meh, it'd be cool if I could go, it's like, the moment I've been waiting for since I started, hehe. But I'll just send along all my friends that would be keen in my place if it's when I'm not there. Wicked :) Yay for capoeira in the Naki :D
  2006-12-05 10:05:00
Augh... Sorry Rastinha. It'll be some time next year... early next year thoiugh... sit tight.
  2006-12-05 10:26:17
*Cough*... After Feb 7... *cough*
  tim bwoy
  2007-02-15 00:07:09
so. we have a small crew of us practicing and playing capoeira at the oakura hall now on wednsday nights 6-8pm. all welcome. give me a call if you want some more details 06 752 4440 - tim
  2007-02-15 09:13:18
Awesome :) I shall see you there when I'm home...sometime. You guys had that workshop down there yet? Or am I home in time to try tag along? :P
  2007-06-07 12:38:05
Hey Rastina, Nice Jogo on wednesday. While ur in NP it would be cool if we could do a workshop in town with tim
  2007-06-07 18:06:03

Yeah it was really cool to finally meet all of you guys too. You're all playing real well and it's cool to see :) Yeah we can see what we can come up with for a bit of a meet up and train in town. Though I think Tim may be going away on sunday. I'll txt you though. Wicked :)
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