Welcome to the virtual roda. As in a real roda the games are controlled by the soul of capoeira - listen to the music, and play that kind of game. If you have any complaints about material on this forum please contact Brabo at [email protected].

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  Topic: Waiheke Weekend
  2006-10-31 23:40:09
Hey all,

Just a wee heads up that we're planning a weekend on Waiheke Island, camping campy-style in a camping ground, with general chilling and capoeira and such. This was inspired by a day trip we took over to Brabo's ex-slice of heaven (which he kindly emailed to everyone last year so we could all be rotten jealous) last year. It was an awesome day, quite possibly one of the best capoeira experiences I've had to date.

We ferried over in the morning, and then chilled on the beach for a while, went swimming in Enclosure Bay (right?) aka Brabo's front yard. The water was awesome, in october. Well the northerners found it cold, but it was a damn sight warmer than Taranaki's off the mountain river water, lol. Anyhoo, then we made some awesome salads, while the muscley boys went hunting around the island for firewood, and brought back all manner of sticks, twigs, massive logs, trees that looked like they just fell where they were etc... then proceded to hack it into small pieces with a weeny hacksaw. Was great.

We got the fire going, then cooked our food on the "BBQ" which consisted of random objects on the fire: a cake rack for some of the food, one little pan thing, and flat rocks for everything else. Great food, great people. Oh, and a great roda, built by the boys as they levelled out an area of the sand with the rusty old wheelbarrow that they found in the bushes or something.

By the time we got started, the roda was by firelight, which was some distance away, and the sand was very loose, so it was one of those 'I can't really see, not much light...Oop, foot stuck in sand...Oop head stuck in sand...Aaargh! Sand in eyes!' type affairs, but it was awesome. Oh, and I forgot to mention, we had one pandeiro, left the rest of the instruments on the mainland. So we had the upturned wheelbarrow for an atabaque, an acoustic guitar for the berimbau, 3 rocks for agogo, and a piece of wood and the hacksaw for the reco-hacsaw. So no real instruments, severely limited visibility, but absolutely awesome energy. So much fun. Then we sat around the fire and chatted for a while, til it was time to catch the ferry home.

We jumped into the Brabo-mobile, too many of us than could legally fit, and travelled to the Ferry singing capoeira songs at the top of our lungs, except for when we were hiding so cops wouldn't see us (then we sung 'vamos quebra o coquinho...' quietly).

Got onto the ferry, and had the meanest back of a ferry roda ever. No instruments, just clapping and singing and looks of wonderment from the other passengers, wondering what weird entertainment they were being graced by the presence of. AWESOME roda. Abso-freakin-lutely *WICKED*. Other people that came can vouch for that (go on, tell them how cool it was, please? help me sell this :P). And we didn't lose anyone overboard. Sweet. Yep, twas a grand day to be sure. So so so much Axé.

Xiquinha and I decided it was too good to let it be a one off, and that if possible, we should let everyone who can experience it. Now all we need to make it happen again, is more cool people. That means YOU! Basically, it's very much still in planning stages, but we're after expressions of interest so we can get an idea of who/how many we might be able to expect etc. Then we'll look into what we need and work out the details etc.

So, thus endeth my rant about how awesome capoeira on Waiheke was last year, I hope I've done an ok job of selling it to you. I really don't know cos right now I'm completely hopped up on endorphins from training, copious amounts of candy from halloween, and the memories of Waiheke last year, hee hee hee hee. Hence the somewhat elaborate description. w00t. Um... did I cover everything? Oh wait, it would be about the 3rd weekend of december, which I think is about the 16th and 17th? Yeah. Awesome, well do let us know if you're keen at all, either post back here, email: oi(dot)rastinha(at)gmail(dot)com, or txt: 0273279716. Awesome, really hope to see a whole lot of y'all there :D

  2006-11-01 12:18:13

Rastinha, I don't have the energy nor the inspiration to "sell" your camp weekend, but I could tell you this: that roda on Waiheke ferry was THE most memorable roda I've ever seen. I tried to find some pics from that evening but managed only to find some very blurred and dark pics with lots of sand :-) But, yeah, I definetely support your and Xiquinha's idea.

Just a little help on the camping site: http://www.islands.co.nz/camping/waiheke/

And, maybe this time, we'll bring torches for roda (like the ones that the Hamiltonian used for their axê weekend), and instruments. Also, am not sure whether the ol' fashioned on-the-stone BBQ as we had last year would work for your veggie kebabs :-) Oh, and maybe persuade Luciana to do a samba class ? :-p


  2006-11-10 20:42:19
ionolsen44 Your home page its great
  2006-11-22 12:38:09
Oi Everyone,

Time for an update on Waiheke, which has been affectionately nicknamed the 'Ilha de Ax�' by some, I'm slowly getting things sorted. Sorry about the disorganisation, but I don't have a lot of experience in these kinds of things, lol. In any case, this is sort of a preliminary message type thing with some details and such. Ok, so the basics:

First and foremost, just so everyone knows, this is not an Ax� Weekend. Well, not in the traditional sense. That is, it will be a weekend, and there will be ax�, it's just that there won't be capoeira workshops and stuff like that. It's just a camping trip, BYO Ax�, so we can have some fun in the sun with cool people, chilling on the beach, eating, bonding etc. hehe. And of course, there will be plenty of music and capoeira anyhoo. Just no official classes. Feel free to learn from each other, and Joao Grande-styles from the awesome wealth of nature that will be around us though :D.

We will be camping at Whakanewha Regional Park on Waiheke, you can go here for some info on it: http://www.arc.govt.nz/arc/auckland-regional-parks/camping/whakanewha.cfm
and the link on the side should have some more info on the park itself somewhere I think. It looks pretty awesome, lots of nice picnic spots and the water is awesome for swimming especially at high tide apparently. And there's a lot of walking trails through the place too, and a pa site, and all sorts.
10 per night for the camping for adults, 5 children, pre-schoolers free
We can arrive from 11am on whatever day we get there, have to have gear packed up by 10am the day we leave but can stay in the park for however long afterwards.
We have to book and pay in advance, so I'm going to say that if you're coming to Waiheke I'm gonna need to know for sure by the end of next week so we can sort out payment (just for the camping) and book. We also can't technically have groups of more than 10 people a week before christmas, so that's another reason why we need to know numbers, so we can make the required number of *ahem* 'separate' bookings.

In terms of the Ferry:
There are a few options. The ferry is 28.50 for an adult return (14.30 for kids), but a 10trip is 120, and you can get 3 people on it max at a time. So I think the potential plan is that saturday morning we have 2 ferry trips over, probably 9am and 11am, and we send over yay number of groups of 3 in the first one, then Brabo comes back with his GoldPass or MestreCard or whatever it is he has, and the 10trips, and we ferry over more. Then use the same on the way back. That saves you all 4.50. Of course, if you don't mind the extra 4.50, then there is a lot of flexibility in when you can come over, you can take whatever Ferry. But we'll call these 2 the organised 'discount' ones. Although, if noone minds the 4.50 we could all mish over together. Oh, and one other thought was if there was anyone who wanted to stay for longer than just saturday night, I'm keen to go over on friday or something, or even stay longer since I'm an annoying student with holidays and flexible work right now. and that could be either a daytime ferry trip over, or in the evening if people have work or something I suppose. Just depends if anyone wants to pay 10 for part of a day. So, if anyone else wants to stay more than one night, just let me know. Actually, if you're keen to come, could you pretty please let me know by the end of next week, and your preferences in terms of how many nights you plan on camping (and which if more than one), if you want in on one of the discount ferry trips (9 or 11am sat) or if you wanna make your way over yourself. Once I have all of this info, I'll send out a more definitive 'This is The Plan'-type email.

Oh, and one last thing, food. Haven't quite sorted this one out, but will most likely be a case of getting donations from everyone, and food preferences, then going on a shopping mish or something. There is a BBQ we can use for free at the camp, so that sounds like sat night dinner. Um...yeah.

Cool, well once again, sorry for the lack of definitive organisation, but my decision making skills leave a lot to be desired. Somehow I ended up with the job of organising this despite that well known fact, lol, but it's cool, it will all work out in the end :). Hope to hear from you all asap :D My contact details are a few posts up above.

  2006-11-25 10:32:07
sounds good rastinha!

one thing - transport from matiatia (waiheke side of the ferry) to whakanewha...its kind of a little way out, but i'm originally from waiheke and know a few people who can help with transport, and i'm sure between brabo and my whanau there we can sort that out.

...dont know if you guys saw it or not last time you were there, but there is also a cool tramping track that leads up and around the bush we could venture out into if we wanted.

if you need any help with organisation, directions or anything, hit me up rastinha as i can probably help

- sam

  2006-12-01 01:35:31
Hey all,

Just a wee reminder about the end of year Waiheke camping trip:

December 15/16/17 (pick and choose as you please)
24-28.50 for return Ferry trip
10 per night for camping
BYO tents and usual camping gear
+ a little more for food (TBA at this stage [sorry!])

It would be most excellent if you could let me know by the end of this week, or very early next week, if you intend on coming, and when you would probably be likely to come and go e.g. arrive Friday afternoon, leave sunday night; or arrive saturday morning, leave sunday afternoon etc. If you're not sure, either about rough times, or whether you're definitely coming, just email me anyway to say you might be, and make a rough guestimate of days. We just need to know how many people we're likely to have each night so we can figure out how many bookings we need to make. It'd be really crappy if we went ahead and planned for 20 definites, if another 10 maybes then decide to come but we can book more in or something. And the time periods are to work out the best Ferry times if we're to milk the system for cheaper trips. Also, if you've told me in class in person that you're planning on coming, I probably remember, but just incase it'd be great if you could all email me too, with your likely days/times. We most likely have some transport available on the other side to get people to the campsite, thanks to our local native, Sam (do you wanna give me an email Sam so we can sort that out a little? I won't be back til next week, but that's when I'll do most of the finalising anyway. Wicked).

Cool, I think that's about it for now. Hope to hear from you all soon :)

  2006-12-03 23:33:16
hey there
i'm up for camping saturday night. already on the 'heke so don't need a ferry ticket. dont have your email rastinha so just popping a note here. cheers.
by the way the markets are fab in ostend on a saturday morning. all sorts of goodies - stuffed olives, homemade bread, crepes, etc etc.
  2006-12-07 00:52:48
hey am keen on this trip! only problem is getting there. who from wellington is heading up? any ideas about car pooling?
  2006-12-07 01:23:43

I don't know of anyone coming up from Wellington at this stage, sorry. If there's anyone planning on coming, they haven't let me know yet (and if you're reading, could you please let me know asap? cheers). If you do think you'll end up coming, let me know too, ya? Wicked

  2006-12-07 12:34:51
hey guys i want to come to, am i to late to be organised in? if i do come over i am on school holidays and will be staying for an extra night at least!
  2006-12-07 12:43:34
No, that's cool, I'll put you on the list :) Give me an email oi(dot)rastinha(at)gmail(dot)com and let me know what day/time you think you'll be coming/going. It's looking like the organised ferry trips will be one on friday night, and one on saturday morning. And maybe back will be one sunday afternoon, and one sunday night. Cool cool.
  2006-12-08 14:06:56
doesnt really sound like theres all that much interest from the wellington crew.... ? hope there is and your just hiding from me...
  2006-12-09 18:49:19
I think Quindim blew the budget with Mt Maunganui already? And she seems the strongest proponent of intercity events in welly... Just jump on a bicycle man and head up, you got 2 weeks ;p
  2006-12-10 00:32:42
Actually I think it's one week :P
  2006-12-10 10:58:25
Oops, you're right, time flies :)
  2006-12-10 16:38:11
haha thatd be a fun week :-P. ahwell. will have to see you all some other time!
  2006-12-10 18:27:01
Indeed. Quindim's done her dash on the Hamilton and Mount Axe weekends and few others here are willing and able to do the all day drive. There's no lack of interest in the Waiheke weekend here in Wellington, but sadly at this time of year there's a lack of time and money for many of us.
  2006-12-17 22:43:51
Oi Jo,

We'd like to buy some perfume from your friend; can you email me at ballsintheairATgmailDOTcom?

  2006-12-17 23:26:08

Hope everyone had a wicked time...I sure did. Thanks everyone for coming and making it a really great last capoeira venture/weekend in AUckland/camping trip/whatever else I get to have until, like, february next year. I didn't get to say goodbye to everyone properly, which made me kinda sad, since I won't be back for a wee while next year. But I'm gonna miss you all loads. I'll send postcards from spain...in various combinations of English, Spanish and Spanglish for fun.

Thank you all for being awesome mates and for making this year such a memorable one in terms of capoeira, and just having fun in general. And special thanks to Brabo for squishing us and all our gear into your tiny car to get us back to the Ferry, I think it put my ribs back in place. Oh, and, y'know...for starting up this whole capoeira thing :)

Righto, exhausted, screen blurring...bus to catch tomorrow morning...

Boa Noite
  2006-12-18 16:19:51
thanks to you and X for organising us Rastinha, had a great time. it all came together, weather, water, walking and a bit of capoeira too. boa viagem!
  2006-12-18 21:52:07
Thank you for organizing the weekend, Rastinha. Had an awesome one. Enjoy Spain!

Thank you, Brabo. Thank you everyone :-)
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