Welcome to the virtual roda. As in a real roda the games are controlled by the soul of capoeira - listen to the music, and play that kind of game. If you have any complaints about material on this forum please contact Brabo at [email protected].

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  Topic: The Encounter
  2007-03-19 15:15:32
just a reminder for pre-bookings

this Thursday 22nd is the last day for the 10% off the full Encounter price
Thursday will also be the day we make a final decision on Whether we can bring M Lobao - it is still possible and your booking will help make that difference!
  2007-03-19 23:10:29
Go on! You know you want to! You won't get to find out what Marcelo's surprise is if you don't come... And it would be so great to have Lobao there...So great. If you're still sitting on the fence, consider this a nice big (friendly) cabe�ada to push you over to the encounter side...You�ll wish you'd gone if you don't go...and then you'll have to wait a WHOLE YEAR before you get the opportunity to do it again. And no encounter will ever be quite like this one, so make the most of the opportunity presented to you today...and Register!

</dodgy salesperson rant>

  2007-03-28 11:06:13
For all you people in and near Rotorua who want to have a look and try out Capoeira.
On Friday 6 April between 11:30 to 1:30 and 2:30 to 6:30 public are welcome to view our Capoeira at the Arena at Rotorua Girls' High School.
On Sat 7 April you can come and try out Capoeira as we are giving a FREE community class for adults and children, at the Arena. Starts at 1pm. Please come with suitable clothes to move in.
For more information contact me.
bexellis at gmail dot com
  2007-03-30 14:19:32
WELL! Thursday night in Auckland what a turn-out, it�s a shame the rest of you missed out, the Capoeira class, taken by Mestra Sorriso, was fantastic, what a teacher (Ax�) and an alive class! �The movements practiced seemed to compliment the Angola game as much as they do the Regional.� (ME)
There was also the added bonus of the presents of Bengala! KIA ORA! And this is just a taster of what is to be experienced at the encounter!
Oh boy and the games! the music the energy and the people, hold onto your hats this is Easter you wont know what hit ya!
  2007-04-10 10:06:29
just a quick note to say thanks to everyone for supporting the event and hope you'll all in one piece... apart from various injuries, I had so much fun, a great time

also big congrats due to our Mestre!
  byxdqgh soyk
  2007-06-30 08:44:48
edxcwfq gmowjhd nyipdtf dvsieh dmqfp hpic bcrj
  2007-07-01 14:38:03
Damn Net Fairys....
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