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  Topic: Salvador
  truth_not spam
  2008-03-08 16:26:02
Mestre Marrom of GrupoAcupe (BROTAS) was arrested in Sao Paulo the week of feb 24, 2008. He was returned to Salvador and is currently awaiting trial in the penitentiary for murdering his cousin - the president of the local neigborhood association. An article about the event and arrest was in the ATARDE newspaper printed Feb 29, 2008.

RIP Mario
  2008-03-11 01:01:56
Hey Truth_not_spam,

I heard somthing happened over there. I don't any ties to the group but I did visit them and was really impressed with the work that they were doing with the local community. I hope it continues.

Thanks for the update

Are you living in NZ?


  2008-05-11 18:51:32
Mestre de Capoeira Julgado em Salvador

  2008-05-12 18:56:50
Wow...heavy stuff.
  2008-06-07 06:39:20
oi rapazes!

eu so comandante, nu salvador agora. rather than babble in poor portuguese grammar, im here in salvador, doin the ``thing`` that us capoeirista gringos do here. Ra, if u comin ova in august, let me know. Jogo de Dentro has an amazing travelling event coming up end of july, early august, thats not expensive and at least 5 different mestres. anyone around or coming to the experience, feel free to get in touch...tawhiri at wildmail dot com, or if in salvador, 92028574. Currently staying in Retiro with family of Roxinho, amazing. Training FICA and mestre Uildes (other mestre son of Virgilio, great teacher, muito barrato, and lots of one on one with mestre). been here a while mostly learning the language better (will DEFINITELY help with EVERYTHING) and quietly training and getting a feel. get in touch if u coming! valeu, comandante
  2008-06-19 02:07:58
Mestre Marrom is out!
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