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  Topic: Carpool for Encounter Take 2 (For us non welly'ns)
  2007-03-22 09:16:09
Man, platinado just beat me to the punch there...I had every intention of posting a carpool thread today since this is about how long before last encounter that one got started, lol. In any case, here's one for those of us from everywhere else. If you're headed to encounter and have transport, post here to say you have x number of spaces, leaving from <insert place here> and at <insert time/date here>. If you're looking for a ride, say when and where from. And chuck in some contact details...Like a mobile number and/or and email as user(at)host(dot)com so you don't get spammed by those evil net fairies...Wicked. See y'all there!


  2007-03-28 13:22:42
Bex and I are looking at hiring a car for a one way trip (sinister no?) to Rotorua. Depart AK Tuesday - flexitime. Would be approximately 25-30 per person - 5pax. Anybody keen?
EmailO :[email protected] (I guess Im optin for spam cause I don't know no fancy host thang)
  2007-03-28 22:44:01
What about a big van? Hire it one way and then pick up another one way to come back.

We coiuld get 13 hyped pandeiro smacking, 5-part harmony hitting capoeiristas in there at once. We could terrorise the villagers all the way to Rotorua. Might even be cheaper.
  2007-03-29 08:42:55
I'm going down Thursday afternoon/ evening. If somebody needs a ride I have 2-3 spaces depending on you luggage ;-) email me tonia(dot)gnoerich(at)gmail(dot)com
  2007-03-29 12:40:18
Ooh...I like the sound of 1 3 hyped pandeiro smacking, 5-part harmony hitting capoeiristas in a van... Someone should look into this. I would, but I'm in class and shouldn't be posting anyway, lol. Plus, I'm under 25, with my learners, so I can't hire jack, lol.
  2007-03-29 12:43:10
soory i no for hire
  2007-03-30 12:12:23
Anyone know 13 hyped pandeiro smacking capeoeistas?
All those in raise their hands an I will get onto booking it.
  2007-03-30 13:16:22
that are leaving for rotorua on tue! cant hire a van if theres no buts to fill it, sorry
  2007-03-31 17:28:18
There's a possibility I can take 2-3 from Auckland on Tuesday night. Need a minimum of 2 to confirm the mission though. peculiarlybubbled (at) hotmail (dot) com
  bicho grilo
  2007-04-02 11:23:14
am going to be driving through auckland with an empty car thursday or friday depending on where i can crash for the night can take three or four people
  2007-04-02 14:06:11

I'm in, Xiquinha :-) Anytime on Thursday (oh, the privilege of being a job-less person!).

BTW, anybody going up from Auckland for the cruise trip on Tuesday (post-EE07) ? Enigma and I need a ride for that one :-)


  sam with an H
  2007-04-04 11:03:15

does anyone know who bicho grilo is or how to contact them? still trying to sort out a ride for a friend down to the encounter...jeff that pianista put me in touch with probably wont suit for this ride, as he is leaving right this second, then staying in tga overnight before heading down tomorrow!

so if anyone can put me in touch with bicho grilo as soon as possible that would be awesomely awesomely. like megatron.

i am: 027 241 7289
  bicho grilo (julien)
  2007-04-04 13:27:50
am trying to get a ride from auckland south now on thurs evening tonia you got full car yet ring021774426
  The CapIWear4Easter
  2007-04-04 17:15:27
Hello hello...

I may be getting an instrumental lesson on an instrument on friday morning, but plans are still subject to change... is anyone heading down early on friday (say 11 or 12?)... let us know...


021022 66624
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