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  Topic: HUI07 carpool/rideshare from tha AK
  sam with an H
  2007-05-11 10:35:25
hey all!

it is nearing the time to start thinking about rides down to taupo for the hui...and the fact that i need one! haha! so yeah...in the words of the great Savage...hook it uuuup!
  2007-05-17 09:33:47
i would appreciate a ride from auckland have car but is very sick dont want to risk driving it that far
  2007-05-22 17:02:10
Hey guys... I'm definately going down now so theres spaces in my car leaving akl fri pm sometime if your still in need?.... let me know....0272020175
  2007-05-24 16:59:16
I'm going down on Fri too, have space in my car and would appreciate the company.
021 374 748
  2007-05-25 07:50:40
I can take three. Will be leaving Akld around Fri noon; will be going through Hamilton so can pick up from Akld or there.

dayle dot m at gmail dot com

  2007-05-27 08:51:25
I can take the stragglers - I have to work until 9pm on Friday night and will be leaving after work. There's room for two or three folk cruising down in the housetrucklet. Email me veludo at orcon dot net dot nz
  2007-05-27 19:03:42
Amendment: I'll be leaving Friday between 2pm to 3pm.

dayle [dot] m [at] gmail [dot] com
  2007-05-30 09:57:52
Hey all,

Mandingueiro and I are looking for a ride back to H-town at the very end of it all on the monday...Preferably with enough time for one last soak in the hotpools, lol. If anyone's likely to have room for two going north and via Hamilton, it would be great to hear from you! Gimme a txt on 027 327 9716, or just talk to us in the weekend. Any help will be greatly appreciated :D Can't wait for the weekend...Cya all there!

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