Welcome to the virtual roda. As in a real roda the games are controlled by the soul of capoeira - listen to the music, and play that kind of game. If you have any complaints about material on this forum please contact Brabo at [email protected].

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  Topic: that group in P.north?
  2007-05-29 12:11:07
does anyone know about the capoeira group in P.north?
who runs it?
where they from?
what group?
  2007-05-29 12:11:56
contact details?
  pinga fogo
  2007-05-29 17:53:56
the P north group train at the international pasific collage or
IPC I don't know they train but if you ring IPC they should be able to give you more details.But I do know that the group was started by a Brazilian guy by the name of Alex about 4-5 years ago but he's long gone now.These days the group is run by a guy named Andy(i think).The group is more Regional based than us but hey capoeira is capoeira. Hope this helps
  pinga fogo
  2007-05-29 17:55:00
the P north group train at the international pasific collage or
IPC I don't know when they train but if you ring IPC they should be able to give you more details.But I do know that the group was started by a Brazilian guy by the name of Alex about 4-5 years ago but he's long gone now.These days the group is run by a guy named Andy(i think).The group is more Regional based than us but hey capoeira is capoeira. Hope this helps
  2007-05-30 21:06:53
Yep, they train on tuesday at ipc 5 to 7ish....
and on thursdays its somewhere else... ill get back to you on the details....
  2007-06-01 15:06:48
ok, back to these guys, from what i can remember, (cos i havent seen them in ages), these guys are loosely affilliated with Mestre China, some of the Leading students there are Andrew and Bart, Bart had a jogo with Mestre Brabo at the Kids camp that we had in Wanganui
The email to contact them is:
[email protected]

They run on a shoestring budget, but have done wonders with what they have.

Aint that the way with capoeira / life, sometimes alittle bit, can mean alot.

  2007-06-13 16:12:28
hmmm...i met a few students of Mestre China on a street roda in Niteroi,Rio De Janeiro.They were really nice group of people,perhaps this group in P.North are the same?

are they?
  2007-07-22 23:04:36
Yeah the guys in P.North are sweet. They are always keen for new people to play. As they often play in our group when they come down to Wellington.
  zhcjwkfin ivwyleu
  2007-08-11 13:33:20
tkwbav jdbim uctidoxa pdafs qdcbw urydopql tvgd
  smhwj vhwxp
  2007-08-11 13:33:45
jatwlgi flampwg sxnur uobi dqhflzunc kvou upyni http://www.cymwxqonf.grxlfid.com
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