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  Topic: "NEW" Monthly capoeira newsletter
  2007-05-30 09:25:57
A monthly national capoeira newsletter is due out very soon. It will be emailed to all those on the national email database.
As well as being an anouncement this is also an INVITATION to contribute stories or features you would like to see in the monthly newsletter.
This IS a national newsletter so it would be wonderful to get some contributions from all over Aotearoa in the various branches of our school.
There will be an email address on the newsletter for you to send your stories and ideas/feedback too.

So keep checking your inbox cause it's merely days away. (fingers crossed)
  2007-06-02 15:41:19
Ok the newletter is out and has been sent to all those on the national mailing list. So if you haven't recieved it make sure you are on the national Capoeira mailing list.
  2007-06-05 14:52:32
BIG UPS to the new newsletter.... ITS DA BOMB.... and i dont mean Stink bomb... its good, i like it.... can you tell... hehehe
  2007-06-05 15:37:15
Great to hear Sticks. Being one of the regular visitors and writers on this forum could I perhaps convince you to write a piece you think would look good in the A Cabe�ada?
  2007-06-06 00:19:01
Sure thing... will do... gotta lotta jokes... but then, ill keep in mind that there might me youngs one reading it.... so ill keep it clean.... hehehe
  2007-06-06 00:21:42
There was an old lady from FaLass... opps... maybe not that one...
  2007-06-20 12:22:22
A quick reminder to all of you Capoeiristas with something to show and tell.


Also any photos (embarassing/serious/retro moments/funny stuff etc) Oldskool pics are diffinately welcome.

Suggestions on how to make the newsletter better and keep it fresh are also very much appreciated.

QUESTION: So far Auckland and Wellington have submitted stuff for the newsletter....... when do we get to hear from the other parts of Aotearoa?
  2007-06-28 11:13:38
The second issue (July issue) is due out in a few days; and it's looking bigger and better..... so it's going to be a slightly bigger email attachment this time.
Thanks to all who have contributed. Damn good efforts by all involved!
Would love to hear more from those of you in the South Island when you have a chance.
  2007-06-28 20:17:12
When the Adult class is under way, well submit some...... well, i dont want to give to much away....
  2007-06-30 20:39:05
Big ups to the A-Cabe�ada crew, the new issue is real impressive! I loved all of of it, especially the funny photos and ladainha translation. And of course, being the cover star! Yesterday the Herald, today A-Cabe�ada, tomorrow the world!
  2007-07-01 14:34:28
Yay to taking over the world.. one Paper at a time.....
  2007-07-01 17:11:21

Two thumbs up for A Cabe�ada! It's really an awesome edition.
Truly a great collection of writings and photos, much respect to all who have contributed and put them together.

Would love to hear Mestre Brabo's 'Meia Noite Malandro' song on our website, if possible, please ...

Yaaayyy for conquering the world, Enigma ... although, *wink*, I think I know you well enough to recognize the 'real' Enigma in contrast to the so-called 'Enigma' :-)

  2007-07-01 17:42:46
Can anyone truly recognize the real Enigma?
  2007-07-01 18:03:14
thats deep, man.
  2007-07-01 20:42:21
The Enigma that can be recognised is not the true Engima.
  2007-07-01 21:03:04
Lol, I did give the right names in my captions when I sent the photos in... Tis a real enigma indeed as to how that happened. I can recognise it though... Sorry too to Marc who missed his front page glory!
  2007-07-04 08:52:55
There have been a few people commenting that they could not open the newsletter (A Cabe�ada) document that was sent out recently on the national mailing list.

It can be resent from a different address and that may fix the problem.
Consider this teething problems.


  2007-07-04 09:53:47
I had problems trying to open it with Firefox, but it worked fine when I did it with Internet Explorer... Dunno if that's universal or just my PCs deal
  2007-07-04 12:07:51
Rastinha, I downloaded it with Firefox and opened it with version 8 of Adobe. What version of Firefox are you using? Did you open it within Firefox or try to download the document?.
  2007-07-04 12:08:53
The last question should read: Did you try to open it within Firefox ...
  2007-07-05 15:42:51
It looks like the newsletter needs Adobe 8 to view.

I tried when I was running Adobe 7 and it didn't open, upgraded to 8 and everything was fine.
  2007-07-13 10:27:50
Putting the call out for submissions and contributions to our newsletter 'A Cabe�ada'.
If you've got something you'd like to put into words for the August issue or if you have a great photo you would like to submit (with the chance of WINNING A FREE T-SHIRT for the best photo) nows the time to send it in or get cracking and put something together.
Send all submissions to the newsletter email address which will on the last 2 issues.
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