Welcome to the virtual roda. As in a real roda the games are controlled by the soul of capoeira - listen to the music, and play that kind of game. If you have any complaints about material on this forum please contact Brabo at [email protected].

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  Topic: U decide
  Nick (apparantly)
  2007-08-27 15:55:23
What is the longest word???

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  Dr. Guiness
  2007-08-27 16:18:19
Well... the longest word is in fact...


Which is a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust.
  old nick
  2007-08-27 16:46:05
Damn this is one strange topic to be posting on a Capoeira chat board!
Impressive word though Dr. Guiness.
  2007-08-28 17:12:05
Or the longest place name in the world (85 letters)


Means something along the lines of -
"the top of the hill, where Tamtea, known as land eater, slid down, climbed up, swallowed mountains and played on his koauau (nose flute) to his lover"
  Nick (apparantly)
  2007-08-29 18:47:25
This is the longest word:
mynameisnickandiliveinaucklandandidontknowwhatsuburbiliveinbutiliveinaucklan dandilikecapoeiraandiwanttodoitbutidontnowhereicangotolearncapoeiraiamgoodatbala ncingandreflexesbutidontknowwheretogoifeelscaredandfrightenedandiwanttobefree!!! !
  old nick
  2007-08-29 19:15:33
Nick (apparantly)
Details about classes and where to go join in are on this website.
Don't be afraid, I'm sure with your balancing ability you will have a headstart on most who start Capoeira.
Come along to one of the Ponsonby classes I'm sure you'll take to it in no time.
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