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  Topic: Capoeira Angola Cultural Centre Australia
  Mestre Roxinho
  2008-02-11 00:42:14
Founded 5th June 2007 by Mestre Roxinho The Capoeira Angola Cultural Centre is a non profit association working to develop various projects in Sydney with Capoeira Angola as its main activity. Using this same tool we are developing Project Bantu of Capoeira Angola for Aboriginal and Refugee adolescents and children, with African and Asian origins. Also in these projects we have started study groups about the Rituals and Practice of Capoeira Angola and its influences - starting with Ladja, which is a practice similar to Capoeira Angola that developed in Martinique. We also have a small library that will be functioning next week, where those interested will be able to come to the centre and get some reading done about Afro brazilian culture. It is important to be aware that the centre is a project developed and maintained by the School of Capoeira Angola Mato Rasteiro, also founded by Mestre Roxinho in 1999 in Salvador, Bahia. Today ECAMAR has five centres across Brazil, Australia and Portugal.The reason for this email is to let all who practice and admire this art know, that the centre is an open space to all - independent of what group or style of Capoeira you . We also wanted to take the opportunity to distribute our programme for the first semester of this year. In June this year we are still aiming to inaugurate our social project in Fazenda Grande do Retiro, Salvador, Bahia, which will be coordinated by Mestre Virgilio. Programme. We're open to donations for the lending of books and videos about Capoeira Angola and Afro Brazilian Culture. For more information about our work, please visit out site: www.capoeira-angola.com.au
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