Welcome to the virtual roda. As in a real roda the games are controlled by the soul of capoeira - listen to the music, and play that kind of game. If you have any complaints about material on this forum please contact Brabo at [email protected].

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  Topic: Oi Mugunza!
  2008-02-29 11:05:44
Sorry about the calls not working amigo, dunno what was happening there.
Give us a call when we are at the new quilombo. We had 2 weeks until our new house was available so was staying at someones house for the time being.
How's things going anyways? Training has kicked in and we are preparing for encounter coming up, lots of fitness stuff and emphasis on fundamentals.
Me and Rastinha are gonna be on Maori TV in April, we went and filmed for it the other night, a new improv Game show called "Bro Masters" involving celebrities who watched us play and then had to imitate us... was really cool and lot's of fun.
Got to hang out in the green room with Ewan Gilmore (stand up comedian) and Oliver Driver (Shortland Street) They weren't in our show though, they are in the second episode.
Anyways amigo, thought i would post this up cos you called and we couldn't have a yarn. Hope all is good with you.

Here is a link to my youtube account with all the videos I have favourited... there are alot of capoeira ones but also heaps of other stuff as well... feel free to post a comment up on my page...


wel l take it easy Mugunzaaaaa... talk again soon eh?


  2008-03-04 05:33:36
Sounds like you've been busy as...Bro masters eh? any Billy T impersonations in that lot?

I watched a couple the other day amidst Waitangi Day celebrations, like, 'where did I get my bag?'. You tube it. it sabout 8 sec's long.

Awesome to hear that training is happening and I hear that there maybe a few guest appearances over in NZ from abroad at the encounter. I have been seeing a bit of Naomi over here recentley and she is keeping good, its sweet to have a familar face around the way. Oh yeah and Macarrao, I had a beer with him the other night.

I've been back into it too after last year which invovled alot of work but I got a new job now which allows alittle more time for capoeira. There's heaps of good groups here with good axe and some riotous capoeira so all good in that department.

It looks like some folks have lost the passion for a Brasil visit but lets see maybe we can make a trip next year and I meet you there?!?

Definitely catch up again soon! Wish I could be at the encounter but hey, the cake tastes pretty good at the moment.

Mussels are heaps better but.

Cher to the cher


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