Welcome to the virtual roda. As in a real roda the games are controlled by the soul of capoeira - listen to the music, and play that kind of game. If you have any complaints about material on this forum please contact Brabo at [email protected].

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  Topic: Planned event... who is keen?
  2006-06-28 01:16:31
Hey this is a call out to the nation to get an idea of numbers for Ax'e weekend Waikato.
We need to get a minumum number for the venue booking (with help from the other centres) and can assure that it is going to be a massively fun weekend at a great location.
Take a look at the schedule on this website (under the events section) as it would be well worthwhile getting as many as we can from all the centres to share this weekend together and join in on the fun filled weekend we have planned.
Please e-mail me and let me know if you are keen to come along so we can confirm estimate numbers with the facility.
[email protected]
Mark your calendar for the first weekend of October as this is a capoeira experience you wouldn't want to miss!!!
  2006-06-29 10:16:32
I'm looking forward to Ax'e Waikato! It'd be great to see a turn out from other centres (as well as Hamilton) in support of capoeira and to join in the fun.
It'd be awesome to see capoeiristas traveling to other centres for ax'e weekends across NZ. In return, travel to centres who turn up to your local ax'e weekend - capoeira road trips are fun and the experiences priceless...
  2006-06-29 12:44:48
Yeah i'm hella keen. Colour me practically definite. You might want a better title tho - "Planned Event" just fills me with trepidation...not...
  2006-07-13 18:09:45
chur bo!can kids come too?
  2006-07-21 23:47:36
Hey, I'm pretty keen to come down, it'll depend a little on when my friends birthday is, cos I missed her birthday last year for karate camp, so yeah. Gonna try not to miss it again this year, hehe. But if they don't clash, I'll be there for sure!

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