Welcome to the virtual roda. As in a real roda the games are controlled by the soul of capoeira - listen to the music, and play that kind of game. If you have any complaints about material on this forum please contact Brabo at [email protected].

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  Topic: Hook up
  2006-07-13 03:50:44
Hey Ex-pats,

Seems like there's a ever increasing number of us travelling abroad, anyone keen to hook up in another location, if you guys can't make it to Edinburgh on the 28 of July, it doesn't have to be capoeira related, whateva, let's go to a beach or something, or bar with Leao? much a goulash with Pirueta and Loba or all stay at Lagostas Place in Spain?

Any takers?

  2006-07-13 17:20:25
bro ill come to edinburgh if they got guitars there!
or maybe we can hook up in bahia nxt year yea?three much!
  2006-07-15 08:47:46
Kia Ora Mungunzaa
hope alls well!
Say when you're in Edinburgh please say hi to Dion, Monse, Siobhann, Cucia and all the angoleiros from me- i really enjoyed their classes and company eh?

Its attack of the regionalista unshirted alpha male (ginga capoeira Salt Lake City, the mestre that went awol) here at the mo' and missing the au fechado like no other

cheers ao
  2006-07-18 12:34:26
Funkin aye we'll "ex-pat forum" your arse Brabo!

Meet in a bar? Well, locally there's Le Maori Caf� (more a bar) in the city of Lyon, France, south of where I've been shifted to work right now. It's run by a dude called Tai who comes from Te Atatu. Tis a bit difficult to get away from work right now though, rolling with 15 hour days 6 days a week.

In this case my capoeira pressence is limited, only getting to teach French kids at English camps at least twice a week. Keeps the basics goin though. I've worked out that I've exposed at least 1,300 of them to capoeira and taught about 200 over 2.5 seasons of doing this job.

I'm looking at staking a coupela day pressence in Paris in a cupela weeks if any about though.

Possibility a week in Marseille as well after that. Dunno? Mestre Camale�o and neighboring schools make up an awesome Capoeira community down there.

As I said in the other forum should be popping over to England Aug/Sept. Looking forward to hopefully seeing you Moogz in this movement and if poss you Yan. No plans for return on a visit for Scotland as yet though.

Miss you too Brabo, even though you're a smart arse. But there's the credit to your instigation/creation of the awesome community I miss as well. Hopefully see yous fullas, in the Southern Hesmiphere Isles, on the soon... unless something comes up.

Will keep this forum pumped for me updates.

Otherwise if ya wanna contact me personally I'm on myspace.com if you display name search under "Scott / Jafro / Le�o" Don't really wanna flash me email about in the case I may get random emails from Stock Investment spamers.

Ciao for now,

  2006-07-19 00:43:32
Sup Luz,

Yeah me Yan are gonna go the roda on 28/7 and see Dion, he's mega solid and should be in for some good times in the countryside afta ward.

Leao, let's hook it up then when do you get over here? You're not writing anymore or what? if you are be sure to send it on.

Oh yeah putumuju if you wana come to edinburgh sweet as bro, I got a ukele for you.

Nice one...let's see what's a happening soon, if not the 28/7 in edinburgh.

Sangue Bom!

  2006-07-27 15:01:59
cuzy i cant get my big fat fingers between the strings aow!
  2006-07-30 00:09:38
bars yeahhh!!!!
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