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  Topic: Hook up in NZ!
  2006-07-23 15:43:04
hey if they're ex-pats are we patriots? like missiles

HEADS UP for the welli axe weekend steamrollering ahead without mercy! hasn't been much advertising for it but its happening for sure 11-13 AUGUST in welli-town

including free beginners classes in capoeira, samba de roda, samba dance and maculele

featuring big boy Brabo workshop 30 and a Batisado Roda

and hanging out times to enhance social lubricancy

details up on the events page soon - if you want to feel loved and make the ex-pats jealous come meetup in welli!
  2006-07-24 10:25:32
yeah give us a good reason to be jealous
  2006-07-26 23:49:03
Paris for the weekend anybody? After all it is summer.
  2006-07-27 10:16:50
Is that us Bro? Notting Hill Carnival
  2006-07-27 16:18:34
Cuba St bucket fountain! Aro Valley bakery! its all on
  2006-07-28 09:19:33
Jeez, legend Tucano man, I can here you scraping the bottom of the barrel from the other side of the world! Oh well, I suppose it bets criticising each others spelling I've seen on other forums, turning them to s#!t... Bit like talking about the weather really. Oh, did I mention it's summer over here? If you�re gunna meet near the Cuba St bucket fountain Tucano, make sure it's under something like a shop awning. You know how dangerous those hail storms can be when blown by winter Wellington winds, yeah?

Moogz, I'll have to confirm that with you later. I'm just starting one of those �week in advance� travel missions. But on the keen and in the sights.
  2006-07-30 21:25:42
why is it only the ex-pats on this thread (and the grumpy ones too - don't worry I won't say anything about your spelling leao. you know there's a welcome back roda waiting for you here), this is for hooking up in NZ-Aotearoa

details up now on the events page for all to see - see you there!

well, some of you
  2006-07-31 09:47:51
  2006-08-02 00:26:32
Hahahaha!!! Jealous? Grumpy? Is there any other emotion you'd like to inform us of that we're suppose to be feeling?
  cheeky bugger.
  2006-08-02 00:37:47
I would say, judging by the distance you are from me, you should be feeling pretty safe.
Feiticeiro :-P
  2006-08-02 15:34:11
  2006-08-02 19:43:13
watch ya your back
  2006-08-03 02:03:37
Did I hear Nottinghill Carnival??
And when you go to that welcome back roda watch out for your guys ankles - Tucano has a rather nasty ' rasteida' (at least I think thats what it was).
I agree...Its definitly summer over here.
  2006-08-08 01:09:17
Jesus Loba, an umlaut over the 'o' in your name now? You sure assimilated into German society fast. Are you wearing Lederhosen, eating sauerkraut and losing your sense of humour too?

Samba, Maculele, Batucada, a delicious dinner and brunch and a Brazilian film at the cross, and of course plenty of Capoeira this weekend for anyone in town for Axe weekend. Oba!
  2006-08-08 09:51:04
While we are invading the patriots we list..only cos we deserted our own hahahahaha

Party at mungunza's pad then off to nottinghill carnival, with capoeira, batucada and samba for three days...

Be there you'all then roda all day, take your pick

Cher cher

p.s. has anyone seen Kaikohe Demolition Derby?
  2006-08-08 12:39:37
I felt more invited than being an invader, but combined it's kinda like that "two move/question and answer" movement stuff you wrote of on the other forum Moogz. On the other hand, these presumptions could just be a product of inadequacy ya know. Understandable at that time of the year I suppose.

Yeah so anyway... awesome buav... Making my movements towards the Nottinghill Carnival weekend, and probably the week prior as well. I'll leave for NZ soon after. So you'll be able to kick my arse Feiticeiro, if you like to look at it like that... and Tucano, rasteira my ankles, coz I know you're dying to get rid of some those winter blues.

A weekend turned into a week in Paris and now I'm in Amsterdam for about a week.

Have a cool up-incoming weekend in Welli... Mind the spray from the buckets but.
  2006-08-09 15:43:37
just to keep this near the top...

taking last bookings for the dinner Saturday and the brunch Sunday. should decide on the films by tomorrow...

big shout out to my international fan club! rasteiras just for the special ones, you know who you are

  2006-08-12 08:21:33
hey mungunza yeah kahz ive seen kaikohe demo well the dvd anyway not the actual derby i thought the dvd was chur. wouldnt mind going to see it for a bit of laugh.
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