Welcome to the virtual roda. As in a real roda the games are controlled by the soul of capoeira - listen to the music, and play that kind of game. If you have any complaints about material on this forum please contact Brabo at [email protected].

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  Topic: Sereia and Amanhacer.....
  2006-07-27 13:32:54
Welcome to show and tell. Jenny and Joe you can go first. Would you like to share some news with the group.........................................?
  2006-07-31 11:15:07
Oh alright then mr cluck cluck Zigue Zig.....Amanhecer and I are very proud to announce the arrival of Capoeira Pasifika's number one Capoeira mininha, Iemaj� Hassell. Born at dawn, on a new moon into water on Tuesday 25th July. The little macacao is very cute and has been training hard in-utero. She can sing 'La la �' while getting her nappy changed. She is looking forward to meeting you all and perhaps playing you in the roda one day. Check her out: http://picasaweb.google.com/amanhecer/IemajHassell
  2006-07-31 12:42:36
Congratulations you three :0)
awesome pics :0)
  2006-08-01 10:40:38
Yeah congrats! So cute, and that's an awesome name too :) And with you kids as parents, she's gonna be kicking all of our asses in the roda one day :P

  2006-08-05 03:52:33
congrates on the new edition to your family. cant wait to see the first second generation pasifika in the roda.(did that make sense? he he)
  2006-08-07 00:39:44
Ra... you never make sense
  bad coconut
  2006-08-07 01:23:00
so'le man! don't make me put my jandle on your mouwf!
  2006-08-07 05:17:42
Huzza Wuzza, whos the cutest little thing in the world?

Well done, you made a real pretty wee girl, high fives all round guys.
  2006-08-15 16:32:02
Ok it's a little belated but congratulations you two!!!
Now you have a little roda of your own.

Much Love
  2006-10-15 22:01:38
This one is a bit belated also. It was lovely to meet Iemaj� . Beautiful girl! It will be great to see her grow. Your lucky that she sleeps through the night. what a releif!! What out for this one guys she already has the best jogo de dentro in capoeira being so small. Shes growing up on the inside of all our tricks and movement, there's going to be no fooling this one.
  2006-10-16 18:34:55
We miss you Jen Jo and Bub. I miss gossip sesh with you my jenjen friend especially, capoeira's just not quite as juicy when you dont know EVERYTHING!! Nah, kidding, I know naa-sing...
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