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  Topic: kids camp?
  2006-08-07 15:47:56
can we make it possible for our kids to have a camp of their own?
perhaps nxt year?
  2006-08-07 20:06:39
I really would like to have a kids camp but it is going to be a lot of preparation. Word is that it's a nightmare to organise... very bureaucratic... people needing police vetting, insurances, and the list goes on. But that doesn't mean it's out of the question. I just think the first one needs to be organised properly from the start.

I will look into it.

  2006-08-07 23:20:08
heellll yyeaaahhhh!!!!! kids camps on. like brabo said the paper work will be emense, but should be all good. are you still running a kids class brabo? who else is got kids classes?
  2006-08-07 23:28:26
if we did do a kids camp where would we hold it? ( maybe i'm getting abit ahead of myself sorry guys.)
  2006-08-08 10:48:19
Man, that would be so cool. I wish I got to go to Capoeira Camp when I was a kid. Wish I was still a kid, heh. :P
  2006-08-08 16:16:31
Yeah, I'm teaching a kids class on Waiheke. A kids camp would be awesome. We need to get a komiti together for it
  2006-08-08 17:33:53
sweet as! i'll be keen
  2006-08-08 17:37:43
hey putumuju where are your classes?
  2006-08-10 15:09:09
well........i've been doing some paper work and year its big but i recon we;d get it sortted for next year...i work for a youth programme so my fingers are in alot of pies already
its something we will discuss in the exec meeting

were are people teaching kids classes ....for if most of them the in the north then thats were that camp should be
  2006-08-10 23:48:33
We have a kids class in Wellington. Cl� was teaching it previously and Centrado is keeping it going while she is away. We are also doing a workshop for kids at an arts festival coming up in September so hopefully we'll get more kids interested and bump up our numbers for Tuesday's class.
  2006-08-11 14:58:48
I think it's a fantastic idea. I know my kids (meaning my children and the other kids in the wellington capoeira class) would be very keen to do this. Maybe to limit the complexity of the endeavour, we could have it with the kids and their parents. So parents can come along, take care of their kids mostly, but then have a break while the kids are training.

Another idea, of course, is to add in more kids' stuff into one of the normal camps. Encourage more parents / kids to come and have fun / train / etc.
  2006-08-11 23:06:08
so we got kids in wellies, aucks and h-town anyone else?
  2006-08-14 20:24:06
  2006-08-14 20:29:22
THere was a good discussion about a kids camp. The idea is to set the first up properly and build it up from there.

Narizinho and myself are going to look into it and put a proposal together. We hope to have a camp near the end of the school Summer holidays, ie end of January.
  2006-08-15 17:02:45
Good ideas Centrado
keep them coming
  2006-08-15 22:11:08
sounds good brabo!
  2006-08-18 00:32:09
When is the next major camp for adults? I told my kids about the idea of a kids' class during adult camp and they loved it.

I think its really important to get kids to see other people their own age doing capoeira. Training with adults is great for them, but most of the time hugo & lydia barely have to move to get under adults' kicks. Training with someone close to your size and age seems to be really great for them feeling a part of our whole community.
  2006-08-23 15:01:14
kia ora koutou

If anyone is interested in being envolved in the kids capoeira event (esp if you teach the young masters) then please contact either me bexellis at hotmail dot com or brabo....the more peps the better the event.....by envolved i mean from helping organize the event to being there at the event, eg creating kai....you got it?

at the moment we're planning the event for the second to last day of the school hoildays in January

anything else????? bx
  2006-08-23 15:04:24
i mean the second to last weekend of the school hoildays in Jan\Feb and in Taupo or Rotorua...thinking 3 days long?
  2006-08-25 07:49:32
This may come out as http, but thought I'd give it a go. If you wanna know what I'm on about, go to youtube.com and seach for "breakdancing kid 25 months"

Might give ya'll a few ideas for the younger ones especially.

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/EyF_doLJsUE"></param><em bed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/EyF_doLJsUE" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
  2006-08-25 07:52:55
Yeap it did.

Check it out though, it's awesomely amazing.
  2006-08-25 08:25:27
Jeez man... I'm visiting my sister at the mo in the UK. I showed the video to my 26 year old nephew and he started spontaniously copying within 10 minutes. He even stopped for a while and said "hat" then found himself a beany put it on and got back to it. Damn! They're such sponges at that age.
Here's sticking it to playstation!
  2006-08-26 20:07:33
yeah I remember when I was 26, I was a real sponge...


by the way, nothing to do with the kids camp, but has anyone noticed Feiteceiro/mandingeiro's use of apostrophes recently? capoeira improves your puctuation even...

I visited Ra's kids class when they were doing the Mai time promo (yeah I was trying to get in on it, didn't work) and was real impressed. that's a really strong group, been playing together for 3 years now, can't imagine what they'll be like when they're older

  2006-09-04 13:02:00
oi mona,i saw you guys on tv and i was couldn beleef it, it was so beuudifull!
seriously though, to get back to your question,im in wanga-whanga, [wanganui to most, but here we have an on going feud as to whether their should be an 'H' in the word...good old small minded inbred,lets make a hollywood movie up the river 'WANGANUI' ,[Brabo and i agree we have quietly solved that problem...WANGA-WHANGA ].
  mean capoeira mean
  2006-10-07 23:08:51
been waiting for something like this to happen,i like to get my boy involved,sik of the other stufff.kids need to learn how to play properly again.wot you guys do looks good.
  2006-10-11 23:29:16
Keen to help and take a class at this event. Been teaching kids gym and capoeira this year. Just to much fun.Youngest I have taught is 9 months but this isn't something I recommend. Different sort of class. It's something like this...forward roll...nap...jumping over the snake...chip break...catching a ball...sleep...duck walks...o pretty piece of paper on the floor....where's mum... fast asleep.
  2006-10-13 11:39:35
oi sky walker or wanderer where you been man?
  2006-10-15 14:15:33
  2006-10-31 12:07:03
I'm a bit lost (as usual). Do we have a date in mind for this?
  2006-11-09 13:48:27
kids camp
march fri 2nd (evening), sat 3rd, sun 4th - 2007
venue~ cole is on to it

classes to be confirmed
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