Welcome to the virtual roda. As in a real roda the games are controlled by the soul of capoeira - listen to the music, and play that kind of game. If you have any complaints about material on this forum please contact Brabo at [email protected].

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  Topic: Post-Hamiltron Ax� Follow Up
  2006-10-08 23:07:38
Yeah, thought I'd kick it off and just say a big thanks to everyone involved, it was awesome :D. More specifically, thanks to the Hamilton Crew for organising it and being such accommodating hosts. Cheers for putting us up/putting up with us for the night Feiticeiro and Arco-Iris, I've never been so happy to sleep on a real short couch :). Oh, and cheers for the toasted sandwiches Feiticeiro, they were sweet. Thanks to Brabo for awesome classes, well all of them except that Maculele one that Feiticeiro took, hee hee. And for only taking the piss out of me on occasion this time around, unlike Auckland Ax�. I promise I'll sleep before the next one! Was awesome to see all you Welly kids too, might see you at your next event hopefully. Oh, and thanks Toby for driving us and Brabo down.

Um...What else? Ah, sorry again to the people I kicked in the head, I'd been awake since 8am friday so my reflexes, aim, balance...you know everything was a little off...you know how it is, lol.

Anyhoo, I think it was an awesome weekend, had lots of fun, a little sleep, learnt some stuff, and yeah. Managed to escape Hamilton with only a pulled hip-flexor and a pulled calf muscle, and without any diseases (as far as I know), heh. Nah, energy was good, I like you Hamilton guys' energy. Looking forward to the next!

Muito Ax�
  2006-10-08 23:29:15
Yea Hamilton Ax� weekend was awesome. Yeah cheers to every one who came down to support this weekend. All the classes were awesome( i heard the josh taught the maculele class awesomely.haha dam sleep made me miss that 1). All the capoeira was good and the barbeque was espescially good considering there was the wonder food.MEAT!!!
For all those peeps that missed hamilton ax� weekend you missed a good weekend. (josh paid me to say that)

I enjoyed all the games too (even tho Rastinha kicked me in the head). Nah the weekend was a lot of fun.
Hopefully there will be many more Ax� weekends to come for good ol' hamilton.

  2006-10-09 09:28:57
True, true, a splendid weekend for sure. Pity we had to miss the classes on Sunday but it's a long drive back to Wellington and you've got to leave extra time for a short stop in Taupo to get some hot poolio action.
Many thanks to the Hamiltronians for making it all work. I think we might have a barbecue for Wellington's next Ax� weekend also and don't worry Brabo, there will be meat again. Most of the tofu burger brigade is overseas anyway. These days Wellington is full of IT working meat eaters. The times they are a-changing.
Cheers to all and it would be great to see you down in Welly-town in a month.
Go the Gorilla Hop!
  2006-10-09 09:53:39
oh no you didnt?
man i been floating round in h-town all week!!!
perhaps i shuld check the web a bit mo...
  2006-10-09 19:47:10
I have to put my thanks out to all those came to the hamilton weekend. myself being a begginer was able to learn and see new and interesting things. being able to watch more experienced players such as simon, naomi and enigma was just WOW. also being able to meet Brabo was great and he was such a nice guy...cheers Brabo.
  2006-10-10 00:24:46
Awesome, I spoke to Fetsthis morning sounds like a great weekend all round over there.....big ups to fets and his crew for organising it!
  2006-10-10 11:09:53
Fantastic Weekend, and so that everybody sees what they missed I posted 'a few' photos for everybody to share. We had some spirits coming and going at the full moon Roda.

http://picasaweb.google.com/tonia.gnoerich/20061007HamiltonAxeWeekendBBQ AndRoda

This time not so many comments since I lost my home computer and do all from work (don�t tell), also on the second lot no comments at all too many�

http://picasaweb.google.com/tonia.gnoerich/20061006HamiltonAxeWeeke nd

but feel free to make some ;-)

I�m still sore and a I cannot believe Rastinha was tired, I was already fast asleep on Sunday when she posted her comment!

Everybody enjoy the Photos

  2006-10-10 13:33:35
Yeah the weekend was cool! They're always cool. Thanks Arco-Iris for running around like a running around nut. Mandingeiro, as always, it was great to play. Thanks Feits for the awesome maculele class. Sorry I kept interjecting with this and that. An awesome national event, Nth, Sth and East. If Putumuju hadda put on his shoes it would have been nga hau e wha. (So you know who StickyFinga is?)

There's some great capoeira on the banks of the mighty Waikato for real.

Next Northern weekend is first weekend of December. Before then though is the Grey Lynn Festival.

Um olho do peixe, um olho do gato.
  2006-10-10 21:34:44
Hey Brabo, sounds like everyone had fun, but what exactly were you teaching? Pinga Fogo seemed awfully simian yesterday after getting back from Hamilton...
  2006-10-10 23:00:21
Haha, yeah, the old Gorilla Hop/Jumping Gorilla/Jump the Monkey/Monkey Dance/Other combination of primate+action that brabo came up with... Good stuff. Nothing like Gorilla tactics in a intense roda...*ahem* Do excuse the lame pun. A hyuc.
  2006-10-11 09:32:11
I am stoked with how the weekend turned out! Very cool to see supporters from across the Nth Island too, each contributing to the ax'e. Thanks again to everyone who came and got involved.
  2006-10-11 09:43:30

Thank you Mandinguiero and Arco-Iris for the hospitality (and unlike Rastinha, I preferred the floor. The cat was an extra heater, hehehhee) ... Cool weekend, great opportunity to learn at the workshop and at the roda. Was nice to meet people from Hamilton and Wellington, and the BBQ was awesome.

I agree with Brabo, I think Arco-Iris deserves a medal for running around !

My special thanks goes to Lana for taking me and Enigma in when we're homeless for couple of nights :-)

Cheers to all

  2006-10-11 10:21:08
Wasn't a good thing to miss A!

I'm excited about what I'm hearing here as an outcome of the weekend. Yeah's that the stuff. Animals in the roda. Try a duck strangely enough they work very well. One of sorrisos and my favourites.

Muito axe pra minha amigos
Heaps of energy for my friends
  2006-10-11 12:33:05
Did you know that only female ducks quack?
  2006-10-11 12:42:50
I think I remember knowing that, it appears to be stored somewhere in the recesses of my memory... How does one be a duck in a roda? Sounds interesting. Waddling? Hee hee
  2006-10-11 13:24:46
Did you know that a ducks quack has no echo.
  2006-10-11 13:37:00
Ooh, that one I did know.

Did you know that ducks are really scary when you're about 6 years old and about 100 of them surround you and gang up on you to back you into a corner so that you end up stuck on a park bench with an angry mob of ducks quacking at you? Yeah that was crazy. Must've been some cranky female ducks then :)
  2006-10-11 17:45:06
Chur... A big thanks to everyone for their contribution to a great weekend, more experiences and yet more learnt.
Thank you to Brabo for the capoeira (and maculele), and to all those who came from outside of H-town. Those photo's are cool as... I think someone has some video footage even... Look forward to more of the upcoming events...
I will e-mail details to the group about the upcoming "Waikato's world" event on the last weekend of October (Public display rodas on the Saturday 28th October in Hamilton)
Will definitly be at Grey Lynn Fest in November and Mount Maunganui in December...


Oh... unrelated, but if what you say is true about ducks having no echo... Judging by Rastinhas story, I bet the memory of that experience of the ducks quacking still echoes in the midst of her mind hahaha :-D
Thowt I wood quack a jowke...


  2006-10-11 18:10:45
[tiffany's song from the 80s in the background]

"think you're alone now..."

[sound of record scratching - sigh of relief]

glad to know I'm not the only clown around here :)
  2006-10-15 14:29:43
stay low. real low. shake your head (this part is just for fun). and flap your chicken wings. To do backwards ducks use your arms like you are rowing a boat, this keeps your balance. But the shortest way from here to there is a low duck walk. stay low! I think to the maori people being a duck may have other connotations. I'm not sure thou. If it is true. I would like to hear what it is. Hey putumuju. who's a duck? whats a duck?
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