Welcome to the virtual roda. As in a real roda the games are controlled by the soul of capoeira - listen to the music, and play that kind of game. If you have any complaints about material on this forum please contact Brabo at [email protected].

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  Topic: Photos from Events
  2006-11-01 12:09:26
Hey all,

Was thinking maybe it could be a good idea to have a thread devoted to link to people's pics they've uploaded to web albums and stuff, since there seem to be quite a few links around the place hiding in various other threads. So here's a link to my web album, which has some Hamilton Axé Weekend pics at the mo, and more will come later:


These from Sita (she posted this in another thread, but since I had it open, thought I'd copy it in) of Auckland's Halloween Apanha Laranja, and various other events:

2023-11-01 01:38:17 If anyone would like to see the pics from Halloween roda in Auckland, here's the link:


My apology for those who were not showned in the pics, the camera-girl was probably busy with a-go-go, or getting her ass kicked, or something similar :-)


2023-11-01 08:55:03
Or, if anyone interested to see random pics of capoeira that I took in early days (well ... those were 'early days' for me), here's the link:


Cheers. "

And if anyone else has any feel free to post a link, I know Xiquinha does, but I don't have the addy on my new PC. It's probably on this forum somewhere, if I get bored I'll go hunting, but yeah. Cool.

  2006-11-01 12:26:31
Yaaayyy ... I found it, Rastinha! The link to Xiquinha's pics:


http://picasaweb.google.com/tonia.gnoerich/20061007HamiltonAxeWeekendBBQ AndRoda


  2006-11-01 14:07:59
Awesome, thanks dude!
  2006-11-10 20:41:54
ionolsen44 Best site I see. Thanks.
  2006-12-03 23:31:27

Link to some pics from Mt Maunganui Ax� weekend:


(Mind the misspelling by picasa link, please).Sorry that most pics are on the sceneries, in which my defense is: it's my first visit EVER to Mt Maunganui :-) Rest assured that more exciting pics will be uploaded soon by Rastinha, Xiquinha and others :-)

Thank you, Brabo. Thanks to everybody at Mt Maunganui who's working hard in hosting the event.

Thank you everyone from CP who was there and made the Ax� happened!

  2006-12-04 10:14:06
Ya, here are mine... I have to apologise though, cos barely any of them are of capoeira...It would seem I was so engaged at the times the capoeira was happening that I forgot to take photos. Which is a little puzzling and confusing.



  2006-12-04 11:04:50

Mmm, ... so when were your most distanced moments, Rastinha? :-p

PS: now that we're awake (albeit still sore), it's time to make "selling comments" on Waiheke!
http://picasaweb.google.com/tonia.gnoerich/20051031WaihekeIslandCapoeiraPromotio nalPhotos

  2006-12-05 15:39:21
My Batisado 2006 photos are found here http://picasaweb.google.com/tonia.gnoerich have fun...
  2006-12-06 14:33:30
Whose the asian? Wheres he from?
  2006-12-19 00:56:00

Some pics from Waiheke weekend ... sorry, this time I brought a videocam, so I didn't take a lot of pics ... rest assured Xiquinha, Rastinha, Palhaco and others have more pics to share ...

  2006-12-19 09:49:52
Yep yep, mine are up too


I think. Otherwise just take off the last bit and you'll see the link in 'oi.rastinha's public gallery' or whatever.

  2006-12-19 16:06:02
ah... the Waiheke camp... caffeine-induced crazy dances on prickly grass, a brilliantly-colored fruit-eating bird with a very large thin-walled beak walking across water, and human plank sculptures.

very cool.

  2006-12-19 16:07:07
minus the ]
  2006-12-19 16:34:38
It all looks like lots of fun was had by all.
I'm sure I'll make it to Waiheke one day...
  2006-12-20 10:54:29
We're thinking of getting a house over there; if so then you're welcome to come to our housewarming. Just bring shoes and prickle-proof pants.
  2006-12-20 11:33:49
Man, those prickles were something else! Nothing was safe...Not even Jeans, lol. SO glad I took my jandals!
  2007-01-08 15:56:41

... a few pics from capoeira performance and roda at Parihaka is available here:


Sorry, not THAT much :-)
  2007-01-09 11:48:32
Here's a few more pics from Parihaka (lots of the menina):


Choic e festival eh. Music, sun and good vibes. Thanks everyone.
Peace and Axe
  2007-01-11 16:35:12
Great Pics Sereia! Anyone got pics from Parihaka online? I really should buy a new camera of my own.
  2007-01-17 12:52:24
A bit late this time, but my Waiheke Photos are found on http://picasaweb.google.com/tonia.gnoerich/20061216WaihekeIslandAXE
  2007-02-15 11:20:37
Hi Guys
you'l find Roda Photos from Aotea Sqrt here. Have fun
  2007-02-17 13:37:33
xiquinha those are some cool fotos like the ones with the buildings in the background very nice.
  2007-04-11 12:54:13
Some pics from Easter Encounter could be found here:

Click on SansRegrets public gallery link to also find pics from Brabo's birthday.

My apology to Amanhecer for not having the time to transfer the pics to your computer (BTW, all my video shoots will be secured by Labareda) ... Sorry, Amanhecer, ... I was too busy washing windows while singing at the top of my lung:

"Demisa, demisa, demisa deeehhheeooo ...
Daylight come and me wanna go home
Come mister Taliban, talli me banana
Daylight come and we wanna go home ... "

  2007-04-12 13:57:40
Hi i'm just uploading my photos...since there are so many..i stopped quickly to make comments or ajust them.... Comicao took loads of roda photos for the easter egg hunt and the midnight roda i just left them like there were i guess you have to find yourself and edit it :-)

Have fun.

Oh and whoever else has photos please share them!!!
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