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  Topic: Total cost of Easter Encounter
  2007-02-28 17:26:22

An unammed friend of mine is trying to work out if she can afford to go to the Easter Encounter. Does anyone have any estimates of the total cost, including food, travel, etc?

We know the the cost will be 360 for the event, but we're not sure what this includes (food?).

Also, if anyone from the Wellington group is hiring a car to get up there we'd love to join in (although we'll probably stop at Taupo on the way back).



  2007-03-01 13:54:27
I guess your total costs will depend on the travel and any extra entertainment you get up to. But yeah, all food is provided - though you should bring your own snacks and energy drinks, or whatever your own special requirements are. The food is one of the best parts!
Accomodation included as well. Coming from Welli you might pay 40/50 depending on arrangements. Ask at class for rides, or go on the Welli email list to find out what people are planning
  2007-03-01 15:06:37
Cheers Tucano.

Food was the main issue we wanted to clear up. Will pass on the info.

  2007-03-02 13:54:29
oh and I forgot, if you do have some extra cash its worth saving for the merchandise... each Mestre usually brings a selection of their tshirts, different pants, various music and instruments.
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