Welcome to the virtual roda. As in a real roda the games are controlled by the soul of capoeira - listen to the music, and play that kind of game. If you have any complaints about material on this forum please contact Brabo at [email protected].

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  Topic: Raglan workshop
  2007-05-07 16:53:10
Kia Ora All,

There is a Capoeira workshop coming up in Raglan this Sat, 12th May.

Mestre Brabo is coming down from Auckland to teach the workshop.
He will be bringing with him a wealth of knowledge, experience and of course, Brabo's Bazaar, purveyors of fine capoeira goods.

Where: St Peters Church Hall, 48 Bow St, Raglan
When : Sat 12 May 12-5pm (kids 3-5pm)
How Much : 20 Adults, 7 Kids

On Sunday is the Raglan Creative Market and assuming we have enough people, we would like to have a roda there mid morning.

Accom : Bring bedding if you wish to camp in our (Jen+Joe's) whare. All the beds are already booked but we have plenty of floor space. If you want more upperclass styles there is plenty to choose from in Ragtown (ranging from campground to more then you can afford).

If time and energy permits there _may_ be trip to http://www.waingarohotsprings.co.nz/ on Sat night for soak (it's about 25min drive from Raglan).

It's shaping up to be a great weekend so don't dilly dally.......

  2007-05-08 00:23:42
See you all there :-)
  Pianista Sympatica
  2007-05-14 15:01:48

Thumbs up to Amanhecer and Sereia for organizing the workshop, not to mention the extra hospitality! Thank you Mestre Brabo, for endless enthusiasm and energy, as always. Thank you Toby and Karen for the ride :-)

Raglan is fantastic !
  2007-05-14 16:34:18
Yeah man, what a great weekend, again :) I love the vibe of that place and it was really cool to have so many of us down there from AK, showin our support. I too will say thanks heaps to Jenny and Joe for their hospitality...The awesomeness of your house never ceases to amaze me, lol. And exploring your backyard was awesome, apart from the 25 mosquito bites I got in about 10mins!

And also, nice work with all your students...they're all playing really well! Even the ones who only just started that day, they were playing well by the end... Must be something about that hippy lifestyle, everyone's on the right wavelength, lol.
  2007-05-14 19:27:34
Massive thanks to everyone who came to Raglan for the weekend, especially to Mestre for the awesome workshop.

Lost Property: 1 pair of spectacles, 1 stripy towel, 1 blue thermal short sleeved top and one stylish black visor (Jef I do believe the last 2 items may be yours, send me your address and I can post them).

I think you guys may have given our students just the inspiration they needed to carry on, so with luck we will have more workshop weekends here in the future XOX
  2007-05-14 21:52:16
Congrats to another awesome event back home in the land of the long white cloud. Axe Mungunza!
  Pianista Sympatica
  2007-05-15 09:55:30
Sereia, I do believe that would be my spectacles ... no wonder everything is blurred here back in Auckland ;-p

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