Welcome to the virtual roda. As in a real roda the games are controlled by the soul of capoeira - listen to the music, and play that kind of game. If you have any complaints about material on this forum please contact Brabo at [email protected].

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  Topic: Wellington Axe Weekend afterthoughts
  2007-07-22 21:28:02
I just wanna tell New Zealand and since its on the net, i guess, the world. The Wellington Axe Weekend was another awsome time, and big ups to the wellington crew for having one, thank you to Shaun for allowing me to stay at your place and make my midnight munchies.... gotta do that more often i reakon... hehehe.

  2007-07-24 09:39:36
now get ure butt back to wangaz and start those adult classes dude!
oh hi everyone.
  2007-07-24 14:39:08
yes great time in welli, the axe was high from roda to workshop to party - great party! the location was perfect and the beat squad can't be beat. i was robbed a dollar on the roulette though
  2007-07-24 15:50:04
Hello everyone!!
i have a really good time thanx allways fun to meet new capoeira friends.
i Haven't have so fun in a capoeira event since i was in Brasil.
Capoeira roda, axe parti, samba, makulele, batucada and salsa on sunday.
i got really tierd on the way back home i sleep the hole day and wake up 7pm the next day...
thanx guys Nelson is open for you wenever you want to visit me.
  2007-07-24 15:53:01
Only cos you didn't wager another dollar on the next spin, Tucano. Ya gotta be in to win!

Special thank you to Mestre Brabo for making his first Axe Weekend visit as a Mestre back here in Wellington where it all began. Thank you also to all of you who made the effort to travel from out of town, you guys made the weekend that much better, thanks heaps.

And a very big thank you to everyone who put in time and effort to put the whole axe weekend together, especially Platinado, the Axe Weekend wouldn't have been possible without his work.

  2007-07-26 15:24:11
As my first Ax� weekend, it really was incredible!!!

In my group in the states we concentrate our workshops mostly on Capoeira, sometimes some music and samba, but I loved how this weekend encompassed all aspects of Capoeira and had a good balance. Thanks to everyone in Welli for making it a great experience.

I enjoyed meeting you all, and hope to see you all soon at the Auckland upcoming Ax� weekend in September. I can't wait!!!

PS. Special THANKS to Shuan for housing all of us!!!
  2007-08-01 09:16:07
Axe Weekend was sweet, haven't had a workout like that in a while!!!
  2007-08-02 11:51:04
hey sticks,since you aint gotta capoeira name how bout "BAQUETA?
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