Welcome to the virtual roda. As in a real roda the games are controlled by the soul of capoeira - listen to the music, and play that kind of game. If you have any complaints about material on this forum please contact Brabo at [email protected].

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  Topic: Class in Dunedin.. who teaches?
  2007-09-28 16:59:22
Hi, im traveling from the states to work in Dunedin, NZ for three months,

Ive been in Capoeira Sul da Bahia for 3 years (Mestre Railson)
I would love to train with you guys, but who teaches the Dunedin class and how can I reach them?

Okay, I guess if i dont here anything ill just show up and hope that the times/ places are still right.

  Cai Cai
  2007-09-29 15:49:12
Hey Pedrita,

Classes in Dunedin are taught by Monitor Perere of Aruande Capoeira. Classes are at Old Gym on Fridays, 6 pm then a roda at 7 30pm. Tuesday at 7 30pm at the Aquatic Centre, thursday 6 pm at Aquatic Centre and Sunday 3 pm at the Old Gym.

For more information go to www.jogobonito.co.nz

  2008-06-05 00:34:43
I also teach classes in Dunedin. My classes teach different styles but focus mainly on Angola. It would be good to hear from you or anyone else that is interested in practising capoeira in Dunedin. For more information about classes contact me with [email protected] :)
  2008-06-05 01:04:27
alittle about me- I have been pratising capoeira for ten years now but also have a strong base of gymnastics, martial arts & percusion. I was a teacher with the first group that started up here in Dunedin. I have a keen interest in giving back to the community that i was born into and currently live with. I hopefully will teach here long into the future. I enjoy nzer's unique style of playing and would like to nuture the difference rather then producing brazilian replicas.
  2008-08-16 20:43:33
sorry if you have been tryin to contact me. my account has foozzeenn! try word of mouth sorry for the hassels.

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