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  Topic: Capoeira Angola Workshops with Mestre Roxinho
  2008-06-14 18:07:52
Capoeira Angola Workshops with Mestre Roxinho

CMA welcomes Mestre Roxinho (Escola de Capoeira Angola Mato Rasteiro,Sydney), who returns for a series of NZ workshops. All levels welcome.

"The art of Capoeira Angola is expressed in look, in a movement, in a feeling ..."

Wellington Thurs 3 - Sat 5 July [1 class, 1 workshop, 1 roda, many good times]
Christchurch Sun 6 July [1 workshop]
Auckland Mon 7 July [1 class]

We are lucky to have M Roxinho visiting again to continue the exploration into the fundamentals of Capoeira Angola. We don't know when he'll be back this year, hopefully in November, but at the moment this is the only booking we have with him, and I recommend we make the most of him!

Keep checking the events page, http://capoeira.org.nz/index.php/view/events/item/54, as we'll be posting all details there as they come to hand.
  2008-06-25 18:07:04
Oi galera, latest workshop details for Welli, Chch and Aucks now up on the events page http://capoeira.org.nz/index.php/view/events
  2008-07-06 18:46:57
thanks heaps to all the organisers, and capoeirsta's who travelled from afar. there was lots of good learning and most definitely many good times shared.

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