Welcome to the virtual roda. As in a real roda the games are controlled by the soul of capoeira - listen to the music, and play that kind of game. If you have any complaints about material on this forum please contact Brabo at [email protected].

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  Topic: canadian capoeira cat
  2006-07-17 12:39:58
Hello Mandinga Aotearoa, Numa here from canada.First of all thank you Auckland and wellington for your time,patience and smiles for a lazy capoeira.I've had a great time meeting and playing with your group.I'm now in Dunedin and hope to come check classes out on wed.I want you to know that if you decide to come to Canada or north america please feel free to contact me.I have a few camaras' that would be happy to billet fellow capoeiristas'.If you have any questions or curious about my group don't be afraid to ask.I also lost my little phone number/address book so I can't get a hold of you guys that I've already met.Apologizes to the wellington crew for not showing showing up on thursday.I finally got a hold of my niece that afternoon and spent my last night with her.Contact me at [email protected] and my group at www.achebrasil.com with links to my school in calgary.Special shoutouts to Ben and Luciana for their time and kindness.Play well,be humble and Smile.Muito Ache'/axe' Leao'
  2006-07-21 20:52:42
Was good to meet ya buddy
  2006-07-26 00:55:06
Leao.... I will write you an email with my number and stuff, would be nice to see you this weekend if you are back in Auckland. Talk to you soon
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