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Topic: Rumour of an Ax� Weekend in Auckland
Lucifer 2006-03-07 09:48:48
Word on the street is there may be an up-coming Ax� Weekend in Auckland. Keep you ears to the ground!
Panca 2006-03-08 13:02:13
ooh when?! some of us hyper-organised people need to get our diaries sorted well in advance...
Sereia 2006-03-08 13:49:26
Weekend of March 25th, not so long away, preparations are underway, all suggestions and ideas most welcome. oh and let us know if anyone would like to offer up their whare for a party on the sat night...??
Labareda 2006-03-08 14:16:43
Ax� ax� ax�
-=PC users only=- btw in emailing all your friends, to get the � (e with a dash) hold down alt and on the number pad type 0233
so thats (alt+0233 = �)
Rabo Dobrado 2006-03-09 10:37:38
Ooh, exciting, yay :) Is it still gonna be on waiheke? Cos the day we went over there was wicked last year. The roda with the makeshift instruments and the one on the ferry on the way home? They had almost the most ax� I saw all year. In any case, wherever it is, I think it's just what we need to get the ax� up and running and everyone hyped before encounter!
~Rabo~ (Hannah)
P.S. Keep the saturday night the weekend after (April 1st) free if you want, it's my 21st and you're all welcome to come :)
feiticeiro 2006-03-14 15:06:15
hey, so what is the go with the april, Auckland ax'e weekend? Are we bringing Marcello over? Any details you could tell me now so I can get everyone from Hamilton up for that weekend...
feiticeiro 2006-03-14 15:07:55
oh, i meant the ax'e weekend on 25th of march... I got confused with something on april 1st..... so...?
Rabo Dobrado 2006-03-14 23:11:37
As far as I know they're just looking for a venue at the moment. I think the general plan is workshops on Friday/Saturday and a party on Saturday night. At least, last I heard. Dunno about Sunday though. Or maybe it was Sat/Sun... In any case, I haven't heard any more word on Marcelo... I'm guessing the final details will come out the week of the event, and the event itself will go nothing according to plan, but will be 10 times better than anticipated, as per usual :P. Would be great to get some Hamiltonians up here, the more the merrier for sure :)
Lucifer 2006-03-19 22:24:53
So to all of those who haven't heard the Auckland Ax� Weekend has been postponed until after the upcoming Encounter. So there should be more info on the Auckland Ax� Weekend in the following weeks and also at the Encounter. Keep your ears to the ground.
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