Welcome to the virtual roda. As in a real roda the games are controlled by the soul of capoeira - listen to the music, and play that kind of game. If you have any complaints about material on this forum please contact Brabo at [email protected].

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  Topic: Gimme an inch
  One Inch Puncher
  2006-09-20 17:34:50
Do Capoeira dudes just fight wit da legs?
Ya'll got weapons?
  2006-09-20 20:25:38
There is a brazilian art called maculele, it is played to a rhythm with similar percussion and physical expression of capoeira. Some capoeiristas practise it.
It consists of two players using two sticks each (sometimes a couple of machetes if they are good) It's really great fun to join in and practise it.
  Two Finger Eye Poker
  2006-09-21 01:37:21
We play with malicia, defend with mandinga, and show our opponents that that we can poke the eyes of vicious cabeceiros using two fingers.

  One Inch Puncher
  2006-09-21 09:52:01
Yo feiticeiro
You brazilian bro?
Props on the Maculel� tip. Checked it on Wikipedia.
Story of Maculel� the boy is dope!!!
Spirit like that is rare shit cuz.

Hey 2 finger! you for real?
Whats mandinga?
  2006-09-26 10:18:37
Yeah what is Mandinga?

  2006-09-26 16:32:21
See http://www.mandinga.org/

It has a section on "[s]ome meanings of the word Mandigna".
  One Inch Puncher
  2006-09-26 18:05:39
Thanks Palha�o

  One Inch Puncher
  2006-09-28 17:44:28
Any Capoeirsitas gone toe to toe with some other martial art?
  2006-09-28 18:58:23
Well, I do karate as well, so I often spar with karate people. But the most I've done has just been more of a mixed thing, like karate and capoeira against karate. I've never actually fought against karate just with Capoeira though
  2006-09-28 23:00:45

  Two Finger Eye Poker
  2006-09-28 23:22:00
Hey Once Inch Puncher,

Is there only one way to skin a cat?

  2006-09-29 23:24:02
"1994-1999 Capoeira, with Mestre Urubu Malandro (Capoeira USA). Most of my Aikido/Capoeira experiments were interesting (and good for a few unique moves in a randori), but nothing to go off and start up a new martial art (not that I wanted to). But, I did have a moment of epiphany, when Mestre Urubu came to visit Aikido West to watch my Nidan. I brought him over to the office to introduce him to Doran Sensei. I wondered how they would each react, being masters of their respective disciplines, and each (in his own way) firmly set on his path. Without hesitation, Doran Sensei shook his hand and said with a beaming smile: "I love that Capoeira-stuff." Urubu grinned back."

http://www.aikiweb.com/forums/journal.php?do=showjournal& ;j=6989
  2006-09-29 23:25:32
This is from Aikiweb, where an Aikidoka shares his experience(s) with Capoeira:

"1994-1999 Capoeira, with Mestre Urubu Malandro (Capoeira USA). Most of my Aikido/Capoeira experiments were interesting (and good for a few unique moves in a randori), but nothing to go off and start up a new martial art (not that I wanted to). But, I did have a moment of epiphany, when Mestre Urubu came to visit Aikido West to watch my Nidan. I brought him over to the office to introduce him to Doran Sensei. I wondered how they would each react, being masters of their respective disciplines, and each (in his own way) firmly set on his path. Without hesitation, Doran Sensei shook his hand and said with a beaming smile: "I love that Capoeira-stuff." Urubu grinned back."

http://www.aikiweb.com/forums/journal.php?do=showjournal& ;j=6989
  2006-09-29 23:26:28
Oops! Sorry for the double post. Slow computer and impatience...
  One Inch Puncher
  2006-09-30 00:08:31
Yo Palha�o dat shit is dope bro!
Akido is is the biz too.
I been doin some 'Chin Na' wrist locks an shit like that.
Seen some Capoeira take downs too.
  2006-09-30 16:52:59
hey one inch. i practise other martial arts, and have used capoeira's unique kicking techniques in sparring. and have come out of it with some pretty cool results and some not so cool results, just gotta figure out which techniques are practical and which are not.in my experience so far, its capoeira's basic kicking techniques that have had the best outcomes. like my old sensei says" basics! and lots of them. that will win you the fight"
  One Inch Puncher
  2006-09-30 18:52:33
Yeah ra
Same shit for any fightin art in the real fight best strategy is limited techniques. 3 maybe 4 basics.
Dont need to be gettin all tricky.
Hey the kicks that work... those unique to Capoeira bro?
All these arts converge somewhere.
  2006-09-30 19:44:34
My favourite technique when things look like trouble is Ru-Nning. Works almost every time.
  2006-10-01 09:37:21
He who runs away... lives to fight another day.
  One Inch Puncher
  2006-10-01 11:42:53
'Fight or flight'
Basic human instinct.
  2006-10-01 22:33:44
I think the idea that, faced with conflict, we run or fight - the flight or fight theory (see Hans, Selye. 1978."The Stress of Life") is only partially complete; we can also freeze or flow.

Hopefully we don't freeze under pressure. Flow is the ideal; when that fails, I think flight is the practical option. Fighting is an option, when the others have been exhausted, but it carries repercussions. As Stephen Covey put it, when you pick up one end of the stick you pick up the other too.
  2006-10-02 13:09:26
I usually start singing my favourite capoeira song... that gets them everytime too cause usually I'm singing out off tempo.
  2006-10-02 13:22:28
My singing is a powerful weapon - a capoeira Ki-ai!
  2006-10-02 13:43:44
Hee hee :P.

Man... fight, flight, freeze or flow? Starts to sound more complicated when you look at it that way...I'm not much of a fighter myself, so I can probably count that one out, unless it was a last resort. But as for the rest of them, I'm so indecisive I'd probably just end up freezing. Decisions are complicated enough with 2 options, let alone 4... Just as well half of it is instinct in this case :)
  2006-10-02 21:17:57
One of my friends taught me that if you can act intelligently in conflict then you are the one who remains on top.

It's about losing the emotion of the situation and looking at reality, never a need to swear and yell. however if someone wishes to swear and yell at you then you should remain the smarter one who can control themselves and the situation you are placed in... If they attack you then I too will pray for their safety when you defend yourself by whatever means necessary... (it's the 10 other guys with them that you gotta really watch out for) Often when fights break out on the street it is becoming the usual outcome... I'm glad we don't live in a country where people fear for their safety that much that they have to carry weapons everywhere just to feel safe, although things certainly seem to lean that way with the way weapons are used on the streets these days.
Weak people use weapons... they are mostly tools of intimidation and dictating power over others. A weapon of self defence is anything that is nearby and can be used to defend ones self... if the need be...perhaps.
  2006-10-02 22:52:05
Feiticeiro, you're right in saying that there is a need for us to control ourselves and the situation. I'm sure you agree it is tactically smart to attempt to deescalate a situation, especially if there are witnesses. However, I wouldn't generalise about there never being a need to swear and yell; I think it is justified in some situations, especially where our physical safety is in question. (In some martial arts yelling is taught as an effective tool for either gaining attention or overloading a person's nervous system while you attack (and then run away).) Think about yourself: would you remain silent if someone attempted to pull you into their van?

"If they attack you then I too will pray for their safety when you defend yourself by whatever means necessary."

I'd be careful here. The law says that we are allowed to use reasonable force to defend ourselves. Ironically, it is possible to act in self defence and be charged with assault. People acting in self defence have actually been charged because their actions were deemed as excessive.

"Weak people use weapons...A weapon of self defence is anything that is nearby and can be used to defend ones self... if the need be...perhaps."

I don't follow you here. Do you mean that people who use weapons for self defence are weak?
  Two Eye Finger Poker
  2006-10-03 01:39:17
Capoeira vem na hora de necessidade...

Hey Palhaco,

I think you took a simplitistic view of what Fets is saying, when really arent you saying using a measured amount of force when you do not have any other option is a rational way to deal an unfavourable situation.

To quote, "I'm sure when i go out there (into the demolition derby) I have a game plan, but as soon as I feel that whack! well it all goes out the window (the plan)".

I think the emotions play a real role in life andyou can't be Zen about everything is the moment, capoeira is not always about being Zen or reaching some plane. But we can be educated and educate ourselves about how to deal with the situation for sure, it's our choice at the end of the day.

  One Inch Puncher
  2006-10-03 09:33:06
What is a 'weapon' ya'll?

Dictionary: weapon - 1. an instrument of attack or defence, esp. in combat 2. a means used to further one's cause in conflict.

Meditate on that!
  2006-10-03 09:43:20
Two Eye Finger Poker, you're right. I did take a simplistic view.

"arent you saying using a measured amount of force when you do not have any other option is a rational way to deal an unfavourable situation."

In most circumstances, no; I prefer reasonning and patience to force. However, in some circumstances the answer would be yes. For example, if a stranger asked for a cigarette, I'd politely decline. (I don't smoke.) If that person then became aggressive, I'd walk away. And if the person followed me and grabbed me, yes - I would use a measured amount of force to deal with the situation (a joint lock or similar). To me this seems reasonable and within the limits of the law.

  Two Eye Finger Poker
  2006-10-03 10:13:23
So when are we gonna fight each other? like just a fun scrap or some sparring?
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