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Topic: East Auckland Classes
Maximus 2006-10-26 10:43:44
Hey, Anyone got any idea on what the likelyhood of having a capoeira class out in east auckland is? Capoeira is great and all, but driving for up to an hour to get into the city blows.
Lucifer 2006-10-26 15:31:27
Hey Maximus are you coming from Greenlane or further out? Have you already attended one of the classes in Ponsonby?
Maximus 2006-10-27 08:03:11
Yeah, I've been going since Febuary. I've coming in from howick, which is a bit of a haul sometimes!
Lucifer 2006-10-27 09:44:01
I don't know of any senior students who are out Howick way. Is there much interest in Capoeira out that way?
Maximus 2006-10-27 10:07:34
I was trying to find out where some people were coming from, but the two people i did know that were coming out from there stopped going to the classes, and i can't get a hold of them. So if there is anyone interested reading this, let us know!
Tim 2006-10-31 15:18:38
Im in Pakuranga (east) I havent been training for a while but keen to get back into it - i was thinking about training at soul in titirangi but keen to jogar out here Maximus if your keen.
Maximus 2006-11-17 16:54:20
Hey, I've just randomly met a guy called Hemi (who a few of you might know) who has been looking at starting classes for kids out here and would be keen to get a group started out here as well.
Tim, that would be sweet sometime.
Mungunza 2006-11-19 01:01:59
Hey Maximus of you see him tell him Nathan and Fennel send him a big hug form London
Cheers Mate
bloomune 2006-11-22 14:06:25
Hey, I'm desperately wanting to start Capoeira, am relatively new to Auckland (Feb'06), and am also in Howick. Have just found out how far the classes are, so although I will need to do a beginner's block course first, I would be delighted if there were any classes nearer. Please if anything does move further out this way, post it on this site. Thanks
Tim 2006-11-22 16:24:06
Hey Maximus whats your email.........I'll flick you a message and we can catch up.
Maximus 2006-11-22 19:50:19
Hey, me and hemi and damien got together last night to train at the papakura gymnastics centre. If anyone is interested in joining us, then you can probably hitch a ride with me out with me or hemi and have a training session on that cool bouncy flooring that gymnasts use. Costs 10 for the entry to the gym for hour and a half.
If we have any revelations or ideas, and anyone else likewise, i'll post them asap.
([email protected])
Maximus 2006-11-23 00:22:21
Definitely send them a big hug from me and one Damien too
cheers Nathan
Tim 2006-11-28 12:34:32
Hey Max,
Are you guys training today ......
Maximus 2006-12-10 19:26:03
Just letting people know that me and Tim did some training on eastern beach this avo and it was awesome:) Probably gonna do the same next weekend if anyone else is keen to come along and have some fun in the sun:)
Taekwon-Do 2006-12-12 03:33:58
Im from Papatoetoe. I was interested in seeing what Capoeria was like since I am always seeking to learn new skills and physical ablitys. Im never happy with just one art or style.
At the moment I do Taekwon-Do and just started trying Parkour(free running)
My balance is fairly good. I can manage about 6 handstand push ups before I lose balance.
Going all the way into Ponsonby is a bit much. Im not sure how much closer Howick is to Papatoetoe since I havent been out that way. Another problem for me is The training conflicts with my other training that is on Monday and Thursdays. I train on other days as well but thats not as important as my monday and tuesday trainings.
Taekwon-Do 2006-12-12 03:40:05
I meant Monday and Thursday trainings.
I see there is a training on Tuesday that I could come along to to see what its like? Or would I have goto block courses first?
Maximus 2006-12-12 08:22:19
Hey Taekwon-Do, Papatoetoe is definetly closer, but the killer thing is the traffic. The block course is in ponsonby only, and its learning movements and basic capoeira 'stuff' like music and songs. Its definetly something worth doing if you wanna really get into it, and its a prequiset to joining the classes in town. If you wanna get a taster before doing a block course, come along sunday afternoon to eastern beach:) The group of us doing out here in Howick at the moment is only 2 people at the mo, but we're working on getting a class started.
Maximus 2007-01-25 13:55:32
Hey, I'm back in town if people are keen to train out this way. Haven't heard from a few of you for a while, so let me know if you are keen.
Lucifer 2007-01-25 14:43:41
Hey Maximus & Taekwon-Do If you really want to get a grounding in Capoeira I recommend (if you have the time and the cash) that you try to attend the 2007 Capoeira Encounter in Rotorua. Maybe you guys could hook up and come along as a group. Its an opportunity that only comes around once a year and it's totally beginner friendly.
Nelixis 2007-02-03 10:37:58
hey im from east auckland too and i cant go all the way to saint pauls so will there be a class around howick area?
Le�o 2007-02-04 06:28:55
Nelixis, not right now. I grew up in grew up in a combernation of the South to the East... In the meantime, Lucifer is giving the best advice.
Nelixis 2007-02-05 08:53:39
oh sorry didnt read the whole conversation
Tim 2007-02-05 23:17:10
Hey Maximus yep keen to do some traiining sometime soon
Maximus 2007-02-12 16:33:01
Hey Tim, Sent you a message yesterday and didn't hear from ya? Still got the same ph number or just chicken?:P
Maximus 2007-02-12 16:38:57
Oh, Le�o don't speak too soon. I have been trying to get someone sorted out ot teach a class for a while (to varying success). Nelixis, me and Tim train out at eastern beach from time to time, so you are more than welcome to join us (if tim answers his phone:P).
Le�o 2007-02-17 11:48:15
Yeah apols for that one. I realised afterwards I'd spoken too soon... Or more to the point without accord. Won't be joining though as I'm central now.... But nice on the Flux and that there's development that way already. It's great to see Capoeira branching around the AK region and not just limited to Central. So again, nice on the Flux.
Metrex 2007-02-23 20:15:20
HI guys i really want to learn capoeira and was wanderin if deres a closer 1 to pakuranga howik and if theres a contact number for the 1 in ponsonby if any1 has it can they plzzzzzzzz ge bak to me in this convo or in mi email ( [email protected] much apreciated
Maximus 2007-02-24 16:39:39
Nope, there isn't a class as such out here sorry, but me and another guy train from time to time on eastern beach if your keen to give it a go. i think brabo's no is 3724345. Just let me know on this thread if you are keen to train. Planning on training next weekend sometime.
Metrex 2007-02-24 17:33:22
id love to but im reaaaaaaaaalllly beginner haha eastern beach is like 10 minutes away from me so i mite jus gimme more details like mobile numba and ill keep in touch :)
Metrex 2007-02-24 17:59:51
oh and yea if u are seriouse abt it i can get a couple more ppl to start up aswell :)
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