Welcome to the virtual roda. As in a real roda the games are controlled by the soul of capoeira - listen to the music, and play that kind of game. If you have any complaints about material on this forum please contact Brabo at [email protected].

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  Topic: Coming back, for good . . .
  2007-05-31 04:59:12
Hey all Auckland Mangingueiros!!!

This is Flamingo from the USA. I don not if any of you remember me, but I spent a couple classes training with you last November, when I was in Auckland about a job, and well everything finally came through, and I am coming back for keeps.

I arrive in Auckland on Friday morning.

If the class schedule on the website is correct it says there is a roda Friday night, and if I am not completely knackered I am probably going to try and show up, if I can find the place.

I am really looking forward to training with you all!!

My Mandinga family in Rochester means a lot to me, and I can only hope that over time I will become part of yours.
  2007-05-31 11:25:52
io Flamingo and everyone, no Auckland roda this Friday (and no Sat class), it being time for our Hui - if you like there'll be a big gang of us in Taupo and rodas happening over the weekend if you'd like to join us - check out the events page for the details

welcome back
  2007-06-01 16:59:30
Yeah girl, come to the Hui, it'll be mad fun!
  2007-06-05 14:04:01
Hey! Awesome! Actually I was just thinking about you the other day, and wondering if you were gonna come back. Wicked, and I'm sure you will be warmly welcomed into our capoeira family with open arms :D I'm away for a couple of weeks, but I'll see you when I get back for sure!

  2008-04-22 20:20:04
  2008-04-23 06:24:39
  2008-04-23 13:50:36
[looks for a wall to write his name on. notices the thread instead]
  2008-04-23 15:44:53
  2008-04-24 02:09:50
  2008-04-25 00:05:10
Mandingueiro was here
  2008-04-25 17:01:05
  2008-04-27 02:09:32
  2008-04-27 10:33:18
This looks like spam bots again
  2008-04-28 11:55:34
  2008-04-28 18:32:11
  2008-04-29 11:29:45
  2008-04-29 18:31:41
  2008-04-29 19:44:05
looks like someone's really bored, or we have European spam bots who have evolved.

May we can add another anti-spam measure - something where people need to input the sum of an equation; or type the letters they see?
  2008-04-30 11:41:31
  2008-05-01 08:13:36
  2008-05-01 13:17:36
[what the hell] Matt
  2008-05-01 18:02:36
But...but they're not spamming anything!! What would be the point? It's like a streaker with clothes on!!
  2008-05-01 18:25:49
Minhoca, thanks for pointing that out. I googled "spam" and realized I was using the term incorrectly. Coming back to my question though; I wonder if we can implement a further preventative measure?
  Ding dong
  2008-05-02 02:51:40
Deixa a roda!
  2008-05-03 02:04:52
Maybe they are name suggestions for new kids due to be born soon... hahaha
  2008-05-04 12:11:24
  2008-05-06 05:14:33
  2008-05-06 15:21:45
  2008-05-06 16:18:38
James... oh crap, I mean Jim
  2008-05-06 22:28:05
[notices the entourage and wonders how to approach Flamingo for an autograph]
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