Welcome to the virtual roda. As in a real roda the games are controlled by the soul of capoeira - listen to the music, and play that kind of game. If you have any complaints about material on this forum please contact Brabo at [email protected].

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  Topic: Capeoira in Edinburgh
  2007-08-02 23:36:08
Hi from Scotland where I'm missing you guys already!

Got straight into training with the Edinburgh posse on Tuesday. Small class of 6 and a full on 2 hours, yep stretching was deff necc after that work out! Our teacher who is a 6 month visitor from Bahia is Mestre Claudio who speaks no english, so demo and non verbals get his message across, with the help if a Cezch guy who is luckily pretty portugese fluent. Mestre said Mestre Suassuana was his Bro so probably closely connected to us. Its amazing how much i learned about axe and the essence of the game in one class!
They have heaps going on for a small posse with demos at a weeknd festival I will unfort miss this weekend and outdoor rodas Fri night in the park. Lovely multi cultural group too, including Soibhan from Welly who says hi to those who know her.

  2007-08-03 05:57:20
Wicked Rachel,

I'm gonna be coming up with a friend of mine to train with Mestre Claudio he's too much.

Do you have any contact details? We are thinking of going to Glasgow...
  2007-08-05 12:31:39
Glad you are having fun!!!

Miss you here though . . .
  2007-08-07 00:31:08
contact [email protected]/ cell 07944618393 who is assisting Claudio.He should be able to help you or checkout Mestres site:
Def recommend coming up, though I dont know anyone from the Glasgow posse i think it may be bigger than Edin.
  2008-08-22 05:58:26
could tell me where I can do Capoeir Angola in Edinburgh. The web site www.manochao.org doe not work.
could you send me an email for [email protected]
  2008-08-22 12:25:00
It's maonochao.org, not manochao.org. That might help. maOnochao. but not in capitals like that
  2008-08-22 19:35:26
Those guys have closed down for summer but they'll be back in force afterward, there's also another group there run by Mestre Claudio Angoleiro who visits from time to time...good luck
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