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  Topic: Other schools
  Curious george
  2007-08-13 15:55:23
What relationship does CMA have with other capoeira schools in New Zealand? Are their any other schools in NZ? if so who are they and what are different peoples thoughts on them?

  2007-08-13 18:15:27
I think the relationships between groups are all good. there seems to be a mutual respect towards each other. i can only think of 4 other groups off the top of my head, there's Mestre China's, Prof Juniors, Capoeira Brazil (the Mount), and that Aruande group in dirty south( dont know much about these guys). personally i like the attitudes of the other groups, they have always been nice to me. haven't really come across any bad attitudes (yet lol). at the end of the day all the groups are trying to promote capoeira. the more capoeira, the better. variety always adds spice to life and makes it that much more interesting. cheers!
  2007-08-14 11:58:46
Thats cool
  2007-08-14 18:28:35
i also like the idea of knowing i could travel around NZ oneday and find capoeira been played in small towns.I recently found an old face from CMA now playing with Aruande in the deep south.

Variety...yeah,spice of life!
  2007-08-14 20:00:05
mean putumuju! i also like the idea of going to other cities/towns knowing there's a roda
  2007-08-15 11:45:57
you don't travel very much do you ra? we haven't seen you in the roda here!
  2007-08-15 14:42:51
Tucano, to go from the observation that you have not seen Ra in a roda here (Auckland?) to conclude that Ra does not travel much seems like an inductive generalization.

Ra, did you use "idea" to mean a potential experience, as in:

The idea of social equality is desirable.
(But we don't have social equality)

Or did you mean

(a). you travel to other cities/towns
(b). you know that there's a roda in the cities/towns that you travel to
(c). you like knowing (b)?
  2007-08-15 16:21:21
Lol! yeah tucano! its been awhile since i've been up to aucks roda, maybe its time for another visit
  2007-08-15 16:25:18
hey Dayle i think i was going for a combination of a,b and c lol!
  2007-08-15 22:05:48
I didn't express myself clearly; I was trying to concept check but it looks like a multi-choice question.

Yes, Tucano, you may, once again, call me a clown if you wish. In a loving way of course :)
  2007-08-15 23:16:00
i'm aware of wot you asking. i just wanted to choose more then 1 answer
  Cai Cai
  2007-08-16 20:25:06
Mestre China and Prof Juniors? where are these guys at?
  2007-08-17 14:08:56
Hey George/Cai Cai,
Mestre China and Professor (or Contra Mestre?) Junior both have groups in Auckland (although I'm not sure if either of them is still in Auckland themselves, or when/where their classes are, or even if they're still running classes). There's also a branch of Mestre China's group here in Wellington, but I haven't seen or heard from them in a while, so again, not sure if their classes are still running. Tulio (Capoeira Brasil) teaches in Mount Maunganui as Ra already mentioned, they're having their first Batizado at the end of the year. The Aruande Group is down in Dunedin, Mestre Brabo is visiting them for their Batizado (his first official invitation as a Mestre) next month. There's also a (somewhat) independent group in Palmerston North and I think there's also a group in Nelson (not sure of their affiliation).

My own impression of every other group I've encountered here in New Zealand is that there's more of a contemporary/regional focus, less inside game and less ground game. Of course that's just my perspective, I think it's something you have to see for yourself. Hope this helps a little.
  2007-09-26 19:34:35
could someone help translate as much as possible this sentence for me. It would help out the rest of my week greatly! Rachel is Desejar que suas decisoes nao morderao a no toco!
  2007-09-26 20:20:40
could someone help translate as much as possible this sentence for me. It would help out the rest of my week greatly! Rachel is Desejar que suas decisoes nao morderao a no toco!
  2007-09-26 22:58:30
could someone help translate as much as possible this sentence for me. it would help out the rest of my week greatly ! Rachel is Desejar que suas decisoes nao morderao a no toco !
  yo mamma
  2007-09-27 16:59:56
could someone help translate as much as possible this sentence for me. it would help out the rest of my week greatly ! Rachel is Desejar que suas decisoes nao morderao a no toco !
  Tulio ( Mercurio )
  2008-01-07 11:25:18
Hi guys just come to say hello to all capoeiristas in NZ , lets work together to promote the capoeira here in NZ , to who doesnt know me yet , im from group Capoeira Brasil and i teach in Tauranga and Mount Maunganui , if you guys got any questions about me or my work just send me a email , [email protected] axe capoeira
  2008-01-17 23:16:24
Hey Curious george im just curious.....have found a crew to jogar Capoeria with?
  2008-01-18 21:23:48
6jple6au http://www.592394.com/839055.html 4ybc1aebcxngcbex
  2008-01-18 21:23:54
6jple6au g3vnreye0xwh 4ybc1aebcxngcbex
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