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  Topic: CARPOOL for Encounter from Welli
  2006-04-06 22:51:15
can those who could be part of a van load next thursday please register interest? its possible with enough people
  2006-04-07 11:06:36
I would love to be part of a van load next thursday.
[email protected] or 0211197700
  2006-04-07 11:22:24
Me too, I think maybe monica also but i will talk to her.
[email protected]
027 698 6518
  2006-04-07 12:30:05
Yeah fullas, keen to be in the van load heading up Thursday. Full drivers licence, excellent references, good with a jack. 0211468018,
[email protected]
  2006-04-10 23:10:44
yup yup! count me in if its not too late!!
I don't have much email access, but I can call, if you need to get hold of me text or phone me on: 021 2675079...
have a wicked week!
Fee / Busio
  cedo demais
  2006-04-11 10:41:40
Me and Ed are driving up from Wellington on Thursday (13th) and have room for one more: email or phone me,
[email protected]
463 5672 (w), 475 5074 (h),
Marcus / Cedo Demais
  2006-04-11 19:45:25
Keen to head up on thurs... got a van with space for passengers... any takers?? Financially challenged at this point to attend camp... but happy to be cheap taxi if nothing else... lpg van... sweet!
  2006-04-11 19:47:12
021 1697218... chr!
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