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  Topic: Mestre Roxinho Workshop in Wellington
  2007-09-20 00:11:37
This is just for anyone who doesn't check the 'Events' page regularly:

Thanks to the Auckland branch who are bringing Mestre Roxinho over from Sydney for the upcoming Auckland Axe Weekend, we here in Wellington are getting to share in this great opportunity. Mestre Roxinho will be teaching a workshop at the dance studios at 22 Webb street here in Wellington from 5:15pm to 9:45pm on Thursday September 27 (next week) before flying up to Auckland. This workshop is open to students of all levels. For Capoeira Mandinga Aotearoa members the price is 35 (a bargain!) and for non member's it's 45 (still a bargain). Also, if you would like to do both the Auckland workshop with Mestre Roxinho and the Wellington workshop we have a great deal: you can do both workshops and only pay for the Auckland workshop.

This is going to be Mestre Roxinho's first visit to the capital, so we want to make it memorable by having a really good turn out at the workshop. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Please note, this workshop replaces the usual Thursday night class at Thistle Hall.

  Zigue's Elf
  2007-09-20 14:21:53
You will need to pay at the Wellington workshop, regardless of whether you�re planning on attending the Auckland one also.

This payment will then be subtracted from the Auckland cost.
  zigue s dog
  2007-09-20 16:09:25
  zigue s tardust
  2007-09-20 16:34:25
mm hmm
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