Welcome to the virtual roda. As in a real roda the games are controlled by the soul of capoeira - listen to the music, and play that kind of game. If you have any complaints about material on this forum please contact Brabo at [email protected].

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  Topic: Beginner Class in Christchurch
  2007-09-29 21:40:31
Hi, I am interesting to join capoeira class in Christchurch. Is any beginner class in Christchurch. Coz I am really unfit , rarely do any sport, if there is not beginner class. Do you think I can join normal class.
  2007-10-08 17:06:02
Hi Jo. Yeah!!! I encourage you just to come along whether it's monday wednesday or friday. We're a small(ish)group so that's why we don't have separate days for different levels...although having said that, we did decide that friday classes will be more advanced...we usually have a Roda on fridays which is still cool to check out.
Anyway don't worry about levels of fitness, capoeira is not karate, you wont doing endless drills that will kill you for days afterwards... All you need is the enthusiasm to be there and someone will teach you some basics. Hope to see you(: Marmota
  2007-10-11 19:19:17
oi gente,wondering if anyone in crusader country is interested in having an american girl crash over for some time?

benefits: she speeks english dur! fluent in spanish and br.port.

understands kiwi humour,[ sarcasm ]

drinks,no smokey

has working visa for one year and is wanting to work soon as.

You interested Lete? anyone in christchurch???
  spilt milk
  2007-10-12 10:44:33
Hey putumuju,

long time no see, hope u r well.
I'm sure we can sort something, tell her to email me at
  2007-10-12 18:08:24
hope you can help out.
things r good up here thanx and i hope for you the same.
met one of your friends a wee while ago up here,Kat?
catch up bro.
  2007-10-15 21:58:16
tea with hot milk please!

dude your email doesnt work!

send one that does to my email,

[email protected]

chur bro.
  2007-10-17 22:07:07
Hey this milk is cold in my tea!
"wheres the hot milk!
Cade o senhor Leite?
  spilt milk
  2007-10-18 15:14:07
yo, sent you a mail
  2007-12-18 12:35:09
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  2007-12-18 12:35:17
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  2007-12-18 12:35:19
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  2007-12-21 14:56:47
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  2007-12-21 14:56:50
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  2007-12-21 14:56:54
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  2007-12-21 14:56:56
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  2008-01-03 10:39:38
does it matter how old you are to do capoiera or is a certain age limit
  2008-01-03 17:38:52
It doesn't matter how old you are, all that matters is that you enjoy it and get what you can out of it :) There's no age limit at either end (except maybe too young to stand up or understand it, and too old to stand, or dead I guess). Give it a go!
  2008-01-10 08:23:18
ok thank coz doing capoeira is my new years resolution but Where is the circo arts because iv'e been to the cpit hundreds of times but I can't find it
  2008-01-14 08:49:28
from the classes page:
CIRCO Arts building, at the Christchurch Polytechnic (CPIT) city campus. On Moorhouse Ave, opposite the washington skate park.

  2008-01-17 10:04:16
When does it start up?
(Sorry for all the questions but this is the first martial art I've started commiting to
  2008-01-17 23:39:19
Classes have started for the year. Mon, wed at 7pm and Fri at 6pm
See you there
  2008-01-18 21:23:28
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  2008-01-18 21:23:38
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  2008-02-06 16:46:35
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  2008-02-07 23:05:47
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  2008-02-07 23:05:49
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