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  Topic: Batisado, Mt. Maunganui... with MESTRE VIRGILIO
  2007-10-24 17:11:54
Hey all,

Just a quick word to get the ball rolling with details about our annual Batisado event held in Mt. Maunganui on the first weekend of December. This event is again planned for this year, but with a slight twist...

Mestre Virgilio, Mestre Roxinho's father, will be coming over since he will have just been in OZ for Roxinho's event. This means that not only do we all get our usual fantastic weekend in the sun, by the beach, chilling with the cool vibes of cool people, hard training and a high energy Batisado... But we get to do it all with a guest Mestre. And this guy is BIG... He's a contemporary of Mestre Joao Grande (who you know), Mestre Joao Pequeno, Mestre Curio and manuy of the other great mestres of the 40s 50s and on till today. He is fantastic singer and a character in the roda. He is a great mestre and heaps of fun. It will be very cool to train with him and see some more of the fundamentals of the style of Angola that Roxinho has already taught us.

This is fully one of the best events of the year, so I hope you were all planning on coming *anyway*... But if not, and you're still undecided, let this be the deciding factor for you :) Unfortunately we only have him for a short time. He will be flying in on the Friday and out on the Sunday.

The full cost details are to be confirmed this week however here is a rough guide.


Earlybird - paid in full by November 21st
90 (Members, workshop, batisado, bbq and camping )
80 (Non members; workshop and roda only)

At the door
120 (members; workshop, batisado, bbq and camping.)
100 (non members; workshop and roda only)

Non-members will need to arrange camping/accommodation themselves, and there will likely be a small donation on the door if they wish to attend the Batisado.

Also you will need to have clean smart whites and shoes for the event.

Hope to see you all there!
  2007-10-25 20:38:58
All I can say is that you fullas are lucky as...Mestre Virgilio is wicked...and his singing is too much, can someone record some of this music for me please!!!!!!!!
  Arranha Ceu
  2007-10-29 09:54:06
Hi everyone,

The schedule for the weekend is as follows.

For the members, the camp sites have been organised and you will be able to turn up any time after lunch on Friday 30th Nov. We are staying the 'Mount Maunganui Beachside Holiday Park'. For those whop haven't been there, this is the camp ground right at the base of the Mount at the main beach, you can't miss it.
Mention 'Capoeira Mandinga' at the desk to be directed where to go.

For the non-members the phone number for the camp ground is 07 575 4471 to organise your sites.
Or you non-members could sign up to our great group and reap the benefits of being a member.


Mount Sports Centre (Mauganui Rd, by the Hull rd traffic lights)
9:30am till 12pm Capoeira Workshop (All Levels)
12pm till 12:45pm Lunch
12:45pm till 3:45pm Capoeira Workshop, (All Levels)

Moa Park Scout Hall (Valley Rd, inbetween Moa and McDowell St)
6:30pm till 8:30pm Batizado


10am � 12pm Open Roda, Beach front
(If it is raining the roda will be held at the Moa Park Scout Hall)
12:30pm-2:30pm Barbeque lunch
  2007-10-29 12:18:29
Fantastic! I just made my payment.

Last year was great, just a repeat of that would be maravilhosa, but this year we'll have Mestre Virgilio as well! I'm glad I was sitting down when I heard that news.

Will M. Virgilio be teaching the Saturday workshops? Also, will the new belts be ready....? Definitely waiting on that one.
  2007-10-31 00:29:21
Lets get braiding those belts eh!?
I tried to quicken the process but to no avail so come on Brabo show us the colours!
  2007-11-03 12:05:44
I actually didn't mean the cord�es, I meant the new alternative to a cord�o, the actual 'belts'. A certain All Star told me that the Hui was going to be the last time that I would have to wear a rope for a belt...

But yeah, now's the time to get onto braiding the cord�es for those who need them.
  2007-12-03 14:26:48
Thank you all for an outstanding event. It's gonna be hard for future axe weekends to top this one, but I'm sure we'll all give it a go!

If anyone has photos of the event that they're willing to share (in an online album or otherwise) I'm super keen to see them.

  2007-12-04 08:03:45
Hey guys, thank you to all of you for an amazing weekend, great to finally meet every1 :)
Cant wait till the next ax� weekend i can make it 2.
It would be great to see some pics if any1 has them.

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