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  Topic: 'Terror comes to Godzone'
  2007-10-25 13:38:30
a good summary and perspective on the events of the last week

  2007-10-25 16:17:45
What a joke! The media is loving the juicy chance to sell extra papers and get us to watch telly by blowing the story (catch the pun?) out of proportion. John Cambell interviewed one of the "wananga" graduates and instead of blurring his face to keep his identidy anonymous they made him wear a balaclava. ???

Did you see the "terrorists" they arrested in Chch? They couldnt find any mennacing footage of them and the only footage they had was of a bunch of hippies sitting in a circle playing the guitar with chickens runnig around.

Thats me...
  2007-10-31 15:55:47
Auckland event:

Tena Koutou Katoa,

The second Wahanui event; a panel discussion with Moana
Jackson, Annette Sykes and a special guest to raise
consciousness/awareness about the recent so-called
'anti-terror' raids, being held in Tamakai Makaurau/Auckland
this Thursday 1st Nov 2007 .

6pm - entry by koha
Te Whare Wananga, Level 2, Auckland City Library

This is a fundraiser event - funds to go to whanau affected
by the raids - entry is by koha.

Please distribute this email widely.

Mauri Ora
Conscious Collaboration Crew
  2007-10-31 15:56:46
Wellington event:

ino rangatiratanga is not terrorism / Respect human rights!
Peace Movement Aotearoa's fortnightly peace vigil will be focused this week on support for the communities, families and individuals affected by the 'terrorism' raids.
Meet on Thursday 1 November, from 5pm to 6pm at the Cenotaph (corner Lambton Quay and Bowen Street).

Bring candles to show your solidarity with political prisoners here and elsewhere.

For more information contact Peace Movement Aotearoa, email [email protected]
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