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  Topic: Post Easter Encounter
  2006-04-18 18:02:08
Thanks again to everyone. Obviously huge thanks to Mestre Joao Grande and Cabello for all their time, effort, expertise and axe. Much credit and respect to our fearless leader Brabo for putting the event together and for building the group in the first place. Mad props to Tucano for all his admin work and nuff respect due to Veludo for all his miscelaneous help (not least of which was his starring role in the Meia Noite Malandro roda). Big ups to Luciana for all her translation work and shout out to all the tangata whenua at Mataatua Marae. Most of all, thank you to everyone who came to the encounter; with out the support of paying participants the encounter would not happen.

Also, it was great to see several faces that have been absent from these shores for some time...People like Mungunza, Kelvin and Tobi made it to NZ well in time for the encounter; your presence was greatly appreciated. To those still overseas like Luz (Deanna), Lagosta (Alex) and Morango (Kali), we missed you and look forward to seeing you again soon.

On a different note, an online album (or albums) for photos from the encouter would be great, if anyone has the pics and the initiative to set one up that would be just grand(e).

  2006-04-18 22:49:47
Once again Ziggs you take the prize for being the best c**t in the whole wide world. Good to hear that you guys are keeping things turning and that the community is strong. I�ll be back one day I promise. In the meantime I always have couch space!

Kids just say no to blow-dryers and bullfights
Mucho Aroha
  2006-04-18 22:58:56
Heh, I was just about to post something to this effect saying thanks heaps to everyone who was involved in organising it all, so I guess this thread would be a good place to say it. HUGE thanks to everyone who made it possible. It was an awesome weekend, with awesome people and awesome energy. I think the sheer level of emotion at the closing thingee was testament to how fantastic it all was. It's just a shame that we have to wait another year for the next one! Although I think my legs will be happy to wait after all the sapinho... As cool as it would have been to have had my 21st at Encounter also, I think I'm kinda glad it's tomorrow instead. I think I'd have died if I'd tried playing in a birthday roda by monday! Feiticeiro's would've been cool to see though. Ok, ramble ramble, think I'm gonna go sleep now. Once again, thanks so much to everyone. It's events like that that remind me of why I do capoeira and why it's so much more than just a hobby. You guys rock!

Muito Obrigada!
~Rabo Dobrado/Hannah/Rastinha(according to Mestre,heh)~
  2006-04-19 10:50:53
What Ziggy says AND...

Huge "big ups" to Brabo for the pre-encounter. 6 days of capoeira amongst such fine company.... I cannot begin to tell you what an honour it was to be there.

If that isn't enough to reason to be a Capoeira Pasifika member, I'll eat my plastic laminated membership card.

  2006-04-19 14:42:27
Thanks Zigue for your eloquent but streetwise "with my people" salutations... It was cool. I cannot express it more, it was just so cool.

And THANKSTHANKSTHANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! to Stephanie and the Canadian Mounty at her side. The food was great... even though those at the back of the line sometimes didn't get to taste anywhere near the quantity of those at the front.

I have seen many closings to events and Encounters but have never experienced the emotional tremors that we seem to produce in ours. I know Mestre Joa~o Grande and Cabello had a great time.

There is lost property. Apart from assundry t-shirts, towels and knickers there are two things that stand out.

1- A bunch of stuff, perhaps yours Steph, left at the front of the whare. Amongst them was a pair of gumboots the size of Gambi's one liners

2- a digital camera... PasifikaMandinga Malandroes are theives and liers, so if you've lost one, give me descrption. I will give this much away though. There are identifiable things in the case. It can always go on sale in Brabo's Bazaar!

Apart from that thanks to all who put so much effort into organising the Encounter. Tucano worked bloody hard. Piripi did so much to make it what it was. Thanks for the MauRakau, it was awesome. Thanks Veludo for looking after mestre's kai. Thanks for those who did the clean up, especially the poor dishwahers at the end who worked till they could take no more of the Parmolive soaking. Thanks, Koro John, for opening your marae to us. Who else?
  2006-04-19 17:02:10
Amanhecer and Centrado and I will get on to the gallery part as soon as we've trawled through and cleaned up a representative sample.

Yeah, I'm stoked with this past weekend. What everyone else said.

I'm terrified of what Veludo will have to come up with next year though...
  2006-04-19 22:40:32
WORDS ARE NOT ENOUGH TO DESCRIBE HOW WONDERFUL IT WAS FOR ME TO BE AT THIS ENCOUNTER WITH CAPOEIRA PASIFIKA!Besides the fact of having Mestre and Cabello around, all of you guys were incridible! I felt so welcomed and loved that I feel I'm oficially part of the group now. Thank you all for accepting me without questioning, for being so lovely and warm!Obrigada Brabo for having me to give you a hand with our amazing guests.I hope I can be of more use from now on. Muito axe camaradas!Beijos e abracos a todos!
  2006-04-20 11:03:18
How about a new book: "Cooking for the Mestre, with Chef Veludo"? Some of that stuff looked pretty tasty...
  2006-04-20 13:38:19
Cook book not immediately forthcoming, I don't use recipes...

Next Mea Noite? The idea terrifies me also - maybe I should quit while I'm ahead. I'll have to talk to my team of co-conspirators who deserve at least as much of a mention re Mea Noite : Bondinha (spelling?) and Kirsty.

Have to concur with all said above. It was an absolutely superb event, and the (to me ) new hotpool option more than made up for Tonta's folks selling the house with the pool.

A tip of the hat to: all the people who helped, before, during and after the event (The work continues). Especially, Piripi, who did so much behind the scenes - as well as getting us on the marae, teaching a WICKEDLY good class and sorting the Hangi - ka pai kai!!!.

Tucano and Wellicrew - thanks for your optimism and never say no attitude not to mention for getting it all together.

REQUEST: Those of you with cameras that we didn't download from at Encounter, please make sure we receive a copy of your PIX. Ideally send us a CD. email me to find the address (either to Amanhacer or myself: veludo at orcon dot net dot nz).

Let's see if we can't get a photo gallery up on the web...

  2006-04-21 13:18:06
tena koutou katoa!! sup u fallahs even though i wasnt at the encounter as much as i would have love to, the time i did spend with the group was tumeke!! seeing familliar faces talking story and all that good stuff was good.
i would have to say watching the closing roda just being around mestre joao grande n cabellos spirit along side everybodys axe n wairua was quite an awsome experience thanx so much for that this space for guerreiros return....................
  2006-04-21 13:21:45
hey veludo i've got a whole lot pix from previous rodas n stuff if like yes/ no? chur!
  2006-04-21 14:59:06
guuerreiro, please email me to suss how to get those pix, we are always looking for good pix of our group. Cheers
  2006-04-23 12:13:54
i was cannot beleif it! huge thanks to mestre and cabello for the knowledge and the axe ,thanks to brabo for putting on the maddest encounter, thanks to pasifika. with axe! from hamiltron.
p.s Brabo remember to brush your breaf.
  2006-04-23 17:27:12
The bag is stephanies... digi camera probably hers as well as she lost one in the bag. There was also cellphone in the bag she is hoping to get back. We were sad that we may have lost the really cool photos :) I'm sure you had a look brabo! She's expecting that it will come down to Welly via Gary.?..... hehehe

Anyway... I agree Brabo, brush your breaf
From your hare krishna capoeirista, I now carry a pandiero whenever I want a lift. :p

  2006-04-25 09:30:25
Kiaora ristas!

It sounds as if the encounter was immense!
I know I stinkly and in poor hippy fashion didn't make it,(shee Mungunzaa got there!) but I rattled off a couple of toques from a mesa in the navajo nation and saluted the mestres from the grand canyon- the pasifika axe swelling on the horizon I swear!
Looking forward to whatever photos, stories and otherwise I can skive from the internet about it- and-
Definitely keen to pick up the forthcoming dvd hint hint...
I forgot to say hello to Montagna I trust he and his girls were there-if anyone is in touch with him please send my love
cheers bears
ZZ you're a starr
Brabo magnifico!

x Luz
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