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  Topic: Highlights from the Easter Encounter
  2006-04-25 00:15:42
Ok this is everyones chance to mention some of the enduring memories of the Encounter 06.
Here's one from me:
Menoite Malandro - It was taken to the next level by the velvet smooth styles (and couture purple panted pimp fashions) of Veludu and his 2 lady friends.

  2006-04-25 10:44:53
Heh, I'm gonna have to agree on the Meia Noite Malandro front, plus it was a new experience for me playing in a bubble wrap suit. I wouldn't recommend it for long periods of time, that stuff doesn't breathe at all, and you end up quite condensated. But other than that, I'd have to say seeing Joao Grande stay up partying all night, then the same the next night - at the Jambalaya party til 1:30, then out to the hot pools with us til 5am (nothing like a good 3-4 hours in a hotpool in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night with a bunch of capoeiristas and a massage chain!) - then still getting up before the sun and playing Capoeira the next day! That was insane, I hope I'm just like him when I'm his age. But I think the biggest highlight for me was the closing roda on monday. Just the awesome energy, despite the fact that looking round the circle almost everyone looked almost dead from exhaustion, and then seeing Cabello and Joao Grande playing. Their Apanha Laranja was amazing! Cabello is by far the man when it comes to smoothness and flowy execution of his movements. And Joao Grande, even though he moves a bit less, everything he does is so exact and precise and his game is so cunning. Well that's my 2 cents, sorry if I took highlights that other people were gonna mention! Feel free to elaborate if I did :). Thanks again everyone for a wicked weekend!

  2006-04-25 14:16:09
Hello all! I guess this is an opportunity to reflect on my highlights of the encounter...
I dont know where to begin, because without a doubt the entire experience was massive.
I guess the major highlight for me personally, was celebrating my 21st in the most unforgettable manner possible... Having the honour of playing everyone at the pre-encounter including the Mestre himself, was truly humbling.
At this moment that I am typing, so many great memories of the week are coming to mind, (probably too many to post here) so I guess I just have to list some in another post and conclude that the entire experience is truly a highlight of 2006 and probably for the rest of my life... Thank you EVERY-ONE for your great energy.
  2006-04-25 14:48:09
Highlights: Already being at the encounter a week beforehand (mentally),
Having my plans to get there go incredibly smooth (thank you Julian)
Having a wicked class in Hamilton the night before leaving. Arriving at pre-encounter and seeing Mugunza again. Chilling out and catching up with friens again. Learning a new concept towards our capoeira, and capoeira angola. Training capoeira with Mestre Joao Grande and Cabello. Soaking in hotpools. Turning 21! Eating steak after 3 days without much meat. Eating healthy meals (Thanks to the great cooks) Late night sing-along on in the Whare-Kai. Seeing more familiar faces again and meeting new people (sorry if I havent talked to you or properly met some of you yet). Teaching the beginners class at Jambalaya. Seeing the Hamilton peole arrrive (Miudinha, Furao and Montanha) Hangi! Giving Brabo grief in the usual manner that him and I usually do. :-)
Learning heaps of new things both applicable to capoeira and outside of...
Getting sick the day after returning to Hamilton (so glad I didnt get sick in Rotorua)...
Well I could probably go on longer but I guess you can all see that I had a wicked time as well.
Thank you Brabo!
  2006-04-26 21:29:51
Man Feiticeiro, that must've one heck of a birthday roda :). Kinda gutted I missed out on the late-night sing alongs and mingling in the Whare-Kai. Next year I'm staying at the marae for sure. And hotpooling more often, instead of just the last night. Sucks that you got sick when you got back, but at least the timing was good! Hope you're feeling better now/asap. Are you Hamilton guys coming up for the Ax� weekend?

  2006-04-26 22:50:18
there are so many great things that i could say about the encounter, menoite malandro, feit's 21st, training day in day out, jambalaya etc. but i think the one thing that stands out the most for me( and for alot of other pasifika people that had the chance), was simply sitting down and talking with Mestre.listening to him tell stories about Mestre Pastinha, Candombre, and of coarse what capoeira was like back in his day. huge shout out to Ziggs and Brabo for translating these conversations for me. without you two i would no bloody idea what Mestre was talking about. the knowledge i gained through these conversations will stay with me for the rest of my life. Just to be in the pressence of the living link between past and present was a huge honour.peace out
  2006-04-28 16:25:21
I think I have to echo what yall are saying. Seeing that scruffy little kid that used to be Feiticeiro turn into 21 year old Mandingueiro stamina machine during the birthday roda on the Thursday was freakin epic.

And yeah Ra, Mestre Joao Grande has an incredible amount of knowledge (I was can not pelief it!) and definite way with words. 'You can learn to ginga by watching a tree in the wind, you can role by watching the tide roll in', man, that is sooooo grandmaster!
"Capoeira Angola tem comenco, mas tem fim."
Amen Mestre, Amen
  2006-04-28 16:32:16
Correction; that should be "you can LEARN to role by watching the tide come in", and "Capoeira Angola tem comenco, mas NAO tem fim." It never ends, it just never ends!
  2006-04-29 01:58:12
Hello All just a quick note to say how much I enjoyed the encounter and see all again in this so wonderful place
Also to say that Mestre�s still talking about the good time he spent with you and that we are safe and sound back to big apple
Tisza is saying hi and is happy to hear all about the great week wile she was teaching at Mestre�s academy giving everyone a good training time plus lots of insights
For me that was really nice to have one more opportunity to work and travel with my man and to share his knowledge with you all
I�m very proud and thankful for that and would like one more time to thanks Brabo for that since take that decision was a act of great courage
Peace and love to all we are getting ready to go back to Summerland in Bahia and we are waiting for your visit and spend some time doing what we are in love to
Capoeira!! Please check for more info about the next Christmas and new years with Mestre Joao Grande in Bahia

Peace and love

  2006-04-30 01:17:17
I guess I'm gonna and my fifty cents to the whole thing and say, cheers to everyone ofcourse especially Brabo but also a congratulations to Brabo, I still don't ever visit any encounters that are half a cool as the one at home, that's the truth, especially the roots focus you've developed, cher.

Thanks Tucano, Piripi, Veludo the cooks and everyone else for making it such a great event, take care everyone and should you be visiting the UK, look me up it's always great to hook with one of the crew.


P.S. watch out for swifty........
  2006-05-11 15:03:13
I am really glad ive waited this long to read this post :0)
Its been a month (Auckland Ax� Weekend this weekend) and its all coming back. Encounter was amazing.

It all made sense, role'ing by watching the tide roll in, wind and trees and giving the correct answers to questions. It all amde sense :0)

Im hoping with Ax� weekend's classes, parties and roda that it will all make sense once more. Or at a minimum I could use a massage chain.
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