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  Topic: Traveling4classes
  2006-04-26 22:48:20
Hey, just wondering How to get a hold of some abada pants.
White.Do you guys have them for sale @ the mount classes?
Thinking of joining.We live in Rotorua but are keen to do
the travels monday and thursday.Please let me know your
prices (if yous have any).Mind you,any capoeira pants will do
or are they supplied if you become a member?

  2006-04-26 23:07:51
There might be some; depends what size you are. They are usually 60.

Hopefully getting another batch in soon.
  2006-04-26 23:13:26
would we be able to go over tomorrow(the mount)and try the beginers class?whats the cost for the first class?do we need to make appointments befor starting or just show up?might be about five of us..

  2006-04-26 23:19:48
I would say it's fine to just show up. I don't know what the cost is. Have you checked the web site for class information? It's not free though.
  Arranha Ceu
  2006-04-27 14:17:46
Hi Lateef,

Definetely come along. Our classes are still quite small so we dont split into beginners and more advanced. We just cater for the level that comes on the night. It is 5 per class casual or you can become a member (60/yr) and then it is 3/class.
It will be good to have you guys there. We can sort out getting you some pants when you come if you like. Give us a call if you want any more info (021 534598)
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