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  Topic: The Website
  2006-02-03 14:49:50
Great to see the website has a finished feel to it now. Good work.
There was a couple of website links previously under Resources. This is usefull, and also respectfull for us to have at least a link to our parent Capoeira Mandinga school's site.
Links to the schools of Mestres who have come to NZ encounters would also be good etc.
I will send the scans of published articles on Capoeira Pasifika (as promised) and what about having Mpegs of some TV news clips, I have copies of, is this possible?
  2006-02-13 14:32:22
The site is looking damn good!!!! It's turning into one kick arse resource for beginners and experienced Capoeirstas alike.
The forum is an excellent addition also.
I look foward to the future developments.
With that in mind I am sure I can contribute with a number of quicktime vids. While I am on that subject....if anyone from Capoeira Pasifika has any little vids (or even pics) to offer as a resource to this site please step forward.
It's going off down under!
  2006-03-08 12:51:40
This forum idea is cool!
I have some pic's to add to the web-site from some capoeira in Hamilton. Whats the best way to get them to someone to put on the web-site?
  2006-03-08 13:04:26
Email 'em to me ([email protected]) or Centrado and cc amanhecer who will want them for the archives.

Amanhecer has a wee surprise in store on the gallery front for the site, we're just working on the details now.
  2006-03-11 08:43:32
If you want to get hold of Centrado, pop an email to [email protected]
  2006-03-22 00:21:04
quem sou
  2006-04-02 22:58:52
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