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  Topic: Thoughts on the Auckland Axe weekend
  2006-05-14 18:42:57
In short, Exxxxxxxxxcellent.

A big thank you to all the organisers, teachers and people who took part. A very successful event. Also a shout out to the crew from Mooloo town and the Mount who came up to support us.

  2006-05-15 10:17:15
Thanks to everyone who gave their time for this Axe weekend. Big ups to hashtina who accomadated all 6 hamiltonians for a night, and to enigma and digital who offered beds also.
In all the Axe weekend was awesome. Cool workshops, maculele was really fun, samba was awesome to finally learn. Thanks Brabo for organising and once again every one who helped out.( jesus and co. cooking yum feijoada)
Im lookin forward to the next capoeira gathering.

  2006-05-15 11:40:41
Awesome weekend guys, awesome.

I have to say that I enjoyed everything; feiticeiro's class, the maculele was heaps of fun, and brabo's class was fantastic too. I'm a little sad that I missed the opening roda on account of said 21st and gig, but I guess if it wasn't for them I would've had sleep on friday night and Brabo would have had no one to take the piss out of :P. Pssht, picking on someone who's too tired to fight back, hehe. Nah, it's all good, I've embraced my role as comic relief. Anyway, cheers Brabo, now I fully feel like part of the family :P.

It was awesome of all you Hamilton kids to come up, you guys made the weekend for sure. You're welcome for the accommodation. I still have no idea how you all managed to fit into my tiny, crazy as house, but you're welcome anytime. You guys all rock.

Thanks to the cooks too, the food was great. I haven't eaten beans other than jelly beans since i was about 6 cos I've always hated them, but that feijoada was awesome. And thanks to the people behind the scenes who organised it all, wouldn't have happened without you.

If I missed anything out, sorry. I'll probably just come post again if I think of anything :). Awesome, well thanks again everyone, can't wait til the next one!


  2006-05-15 12:29:55
Oh and sori for spellin ur name wrong Rastinha.
My Bad.
Thanks again.
  2006-05-15 12:39:31
Heh, no worries dude :)
  2006-05-15 14:15:39
hehe hee,

Hash Tina

I randomly learned last night that American Indian names (like Whiskey Jack) are sometimes a corruption of the orriginal name.

For instance Whiskey Jack actually come from the name Wiiskachaan. So stupid white men hear wiiskachaan and think its Whiskey Jack, or its just easier to say and makes fun of wiiskachaan.


wiiskachaan : whiskey jack
rastinha : hash tina

  2006-05-15 14:16:37
Moving right along,

Awesome weekend, I can still feel it in my bones.

  2006-05-15 14:29:38
What a fantastic weekend workshop that was!
It's the first of this type of event to be held by Capoeira Pasifika. It was also an incredible success!
The first of many to come.... believe it!
A huge thank you to all involved in the organisation of this event to the incredible contribution and spirit all the teachers (Brabo, Feticiro, Luciana and Junior.... and the incredible cooking talents of Jesus) gave and last but by no means least to all those who came along (especially in such shitty weather) and made it what it was.
The Ax� Bacana party was just another brilliant event.
If you weren't at this Ax� Weekend; make sure you are at the next one.

Muito Ax�
  2006-05-16 14:54:30
I have to amend my last rant re:

"It's the first of this type of event to be held by Capoeira Pasifika. It was also an incredible success!
The first of many to come.... believe it!"

It should in fact read:

"It's the first of this type of event to be held by Capoeira Pasifika AUCKLAND. It was also an incredible success!
The first of many to come.... believe it!"

Capoeira Pasifika Wellington were the inspiration for this event.
Ax� Weekends are well established in that part of the country.
Props to the whole crew in Welli-town.

  2006-05-18 11:41:48
Don't take it too hard Lucifer.

All Aucklanders know in thier bones that nothing really exists south of the bombay. Everything is relative to ponsonby, parnell, remuera triangle. This is good science.

Props to places south of the bombay.
  2006-05-18 16:33:35
Ah yes, well done on the amendment Lucifer... Although if you had not amended your post and just claimed that axe weekends were a new Auckland invention then you may have had some more interesting games to look forward to at the Hui >:-)

Nice to hear that the first Auckland Axe weekend went down well. Give us plenty of warning when the next one will be and there may even be a few of us Welly originators making the trip up (assuming we're not moving flats again next time).

Axe (like the weekend)
  2006-05-31 17:41:12
Hey all.
A delayed reply I guess, but Ax'e weekend in Auckland rocked!!!
Mutio obrigado Brabo, and ALL the crew that made it possible... including those that sacrificed their couches for the night to accomodate us. :-)
Thank you also for the opportunity to teach that class as well, which literally made that weekend possible for me.
On other notes, We (In Hamilton) are planning an Ax'e weekend Waikato styles from the 6-9th October. Location has been confirmed and its also confirmed that there are hot-pools at the campsite... but more will be revealed at the Hui. (or on another topic post)
Chur... :-)
  2006-05-31 21:31:24
Oh sure, Hamilton's just gonna jump on the bandwagon now and have their own Axe weekend.

If anyone wants to know what axe really is, come to the (axe) capital in August.

Watch this space....

  2006-06-01 00:27:11
Ok man, wellington may seem like the reknown ax'e capital in Aotearoa... However, Hamilton is yet to put on an ax'e weekend and I don't think wellington will be locating theirs near forest tracks, big lake, camp styles with covered faclities, oh and HOT-POOLS on site... Sorry did you catch that? Yes I said hotpools on site...
It's ok Ziggy Zague, you can come to our weekend too if you can endure the fun filled weekend we have planned.
Just means leaving the "(axe)" capital for some real ax�!
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