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Class Information

updated May 21, 2023

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Auckland Waikato Wellington Nelson Christchurch Auckland Waikato Wellington Nelson Christchurch


About Classes


Advanced, 6pm - 8pm



Intermediate, 6pm - 7:30pm
Beginners, 7:30pm - 9pm


Wednesdays and Thursdays

Mixed, 7pm - 9pm

Richmond Road School Hall,

cnr Brown St & Richmond Rd



Recreation Centre Programme

1st semester, March 2002.

Fridays 1pm - 2pm


The Recreation Centre Program classes have been very successful and will continue with classes on Tuesdays and Fridays. Students enrol for a block course of eight classes. If you want to be in both Tuesday and Friday classes then you have to enrol and pay for both. The classes focus on the physical techniques of Capoeira and include mixed levels of students. This is not a class to learn all about Capoeira. There are no music or other lessons.


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Tuesdays and Thursdays

5:00pm - 7:30pm
Youth Zone,
Bryce Street
(opposite Cash Converters)

Feiticeiro [email protected]

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Please Note: There is about to be a change of venue. Please e-mail Acuca or Zigue Zague for information.

Tuesdays and Thursdays

7:30pm - 9:30pm
Newtown School,
Mein Street
$5 per class or $30 per month

Acuca [email protected] Zigue Zague [email protected]

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5.30pm -


4:30pm -
Auckland Point School
Haven Road, Nelson

E-mail Piranha for current information.

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Tuesdays and Thursdays

7:30 - 9:00pm
Crichton Cobbers Youth Club,
177 Chester Street East

E-mail Sorriso for current information.

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Introductory workshops for other areas can be organised. If you are interested e-mail. These workshops are structured in a way to allow students to carry on playing Capoeira after the workshops have finished.

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