End Of Year Ax� Weekend


The 2008 End of Year Axé Weekend

5 - 7 December 2023


End of Year Axe Weekend 2008

CMA invites members, beginners and friends to our final event for the year, the End of Year Axé Weekend, to be held in Mokau, Waikato (about an hour north of New Plymouth, on the coast)
This event is an intimate camping experience with a focus on intensive training and rodas led by Mestre Brabo, senior students and a special guest Mestre!

Camping is at the Whitebait Inn, on the Main Road in Mokau, so when you arrive there, check in and say you're with the capoeira group.  We will try to post maps of the locations asap.

Basic Program:
Friday: Arrive, enjoy the beach, dinner and mingling

Saturday: Movement and music workshops during the day, Roda and welcome for beginners in the evening

Sunday: Outdoor roda, and BBQ to finish off.

Price: $120 (includes camping, workshops and meals from friday night to sunday afternoon).  BYO camping gear (tents, bedding, vans etc.)

For booking and more information contact oi(dot) rastinha (at) gmail (dot)com