Our f'rizzle AGM open to all CMA members will be held in sunny Taranaki on the weekend of 29 August. We'll be reviewing the past year, planning the coming year and voting in a new A (Admin) Team job. Our at-the-moment Events Coordinator Rastinha says:
Hui/AGM is officially on the weekend of 28th-30th of August, and will be held in Taranaki!
In case you're not sure, the Hui is our second, normally larger event for members, where we have our Annual General Meeting to elect our A-Team and decide on the future of out group etc. etc. and it usually comes along with some good times, a bit of partying and at least a dash of capoeira on top,
of course. Since we're not having it in a long weekend though, it'll be a bit smaller. It'll basically go from Friday when you arrive until you leave on Sunday. There'll be rodas, maybe a workshop or the like, and the
More detailed info will come out in the near future, so keep your eyes peeled for that! But basically, write that date in your diary, get the time off work, save some petrol $$ and start planning your travel :)
Any questions, ask me, or wait for subsequent updates!
~Rastinha and the Taranaki Hard Core crew~