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  Topic: CAR POOL for Encounter
  2006-03-30 11:18:15
Hi all,

It's getting close to Encounter. Given the fact that not all of us own (reliable) vehicles and that petrol prices are just ridiculous, this thread can connect you with your ride.

Please post messages with "Space Available" or "Ride needed" in the subject line. Probably best if you leave your cell phone number or else write your "email at" . Don't give your [email protected] coz you might end up on a few thousand spam lists...

Also, write when you're leaving, where from, how many you can take, and when you're going back (if the ride is 2 ways).

People needing a ride should expect to share fuel costs and be reliable (eg don't organise to go with 2 people and ditch one at the last minute).

Happy travels
  2006-03-30 11:22:32
I have room for 2 - 3 people going down in the house trucklet from Auckland. Leaving @ sparrow's fart (6am) on Tue 7 April from Grey Lynn. email my nickname at or talk to me at class :)

Going back to Auckland Monday night/Tuesday morning
  2006-03-30 12:29:24
Hey there, is there anyone going to the pre-encounter that is passing through H-town and can pick me up...I will be taking some instruments with me and will need a heap of room for the ax'e that I am bringing... :-)
  Leite Quente
  2006-03-30 13:32:37
Ride Needed

Would much appreciate a ride from Welli to pre-encounter,
  2006-03-30 14:29:10
ooops I was looking at March on my calendar, not April.

EDIT: I am leaving 6am Tue 11 April from Grey Lynn and coming back either Easter Monday evening or the morning after
  2006-03-30 23:31:52
Ride Needed

from Auckland. Dont need ride back. 0212301954
kirsti_eidsvik at hotmail . com

Kirsti :)
  2006-03-31 01:51:20
Travel Advisory

Pre Enounter people need to be at the marae by 10am on Tues morning.

Encounter people need to be there by 9am Friday morning.

Of course you can arrive later than these times but if you arrive after the whakatau has started you will have to wait outside the marae until that is done and you're brought on. This will be explained some time over the next week or so.

There will be a series of e-mails going out over the next couple of weeks. Please check your e-mails regularly. If you are not on the national e-mail list, please subscribe.
  2006-03-31 09:53:02
Ride Available.

Yo! I've got space for probably one other person, going down from Auckland on the Thursday night. Helping Arco-Iris teach a class in Vegas on Thursday evening then heading to the camp after that. Coming back up to Auckland early Sunday morning.

capoeiraolly at gmail dot com
  2006-03-31 10:00:34
There are rental vans still available. I called around a few this morning and each one of them had something. A2B rentals was the cheapest I found.

Does anyone have the time to look into this? We could use one from the 10th to the 18th for the pre Encounter lot and one from the 13th to the 18th for the weekend lot.

My suggestion is to book a couple of 9, 11 or 13 seaters and hussle to fill them over the weekend. Diesel would be cheapest on the fuel. Riders will be expected to pay something for it. There has been some discussion (no final decision) about the branch and national accounts injecting some cash into them also as we could do with them in Rotorua and it would be a good way to promote mass transport. Wellington are looking into getting at least one for them.

  2006-03-31 11:07:19
Class in Vegas? Is Arco teaching a class in Rots?
  2006-03-31 12:03:57
Feiticeiro is going to be at the encounter already, we're filling in for an intermediate class at the Uni Rec Center I think.
  2006-03-31 12:51:14

The marae is not open Monday 10th; it is not an option to stay there. If you need or want to go down there earlier, you will need to make other sleeping arrangements.

  2006-03-31 18:37:10
am going to the pre encounter have empty car will go as far as can find somewhere to stay on mon then the rest of way tues morning if interested ring 021774426 have already got one person for ride back 3 places ride down in stationwagon
  2006-03-31 23:53:34
I need a ride down to Rotorua on the Thursday night please, no ride back since me & Sita are gonna attempt to cycle back to AK after the encounter.
So we're possibly looking for place for bike(s) as well AK->RotoVegas. Bikes can go earlier or same time.
Digital, maybe I can ride with you on Thur night?
  2006-03-31 23:57:30
Oh bummer, i forgot to put in contact details! Gomen.

027 323 9149
teknomad at veryfast dot biz

ta :)
  2006-04-02 17:31:39
hey bicho.
You could come down to hamilton on monday (theres a class here that night as well :-) stay monday night, and then I'll come down with you to the pre-encounter on tuesday morning. Not sure but I think mona might be keen to come along as well so thats a potential carload.

  2006-04-03 10:04:34

As Enigma mentioned, yes please, me and my bike need a ride to Encounter and we would not need a ride back ... leaving at anytime, leaving from anywhere (in Auckland, that is), ... I promise to try to pack the bike as compact as possible ;-)

slistyadewi at gmail dot com


  2006-04-03 11:09:00
Ride Needed

From Wellington to encounter and back again.
021 119 77 00
  2006-04-03 19:57:46
A small suggestion: If you have found your ride or passenger please put up a message to that effect. This will show that the message board works, and let other users know which requests are still active.


  2006-04-03 22:35:28
Hi Guys,

THis may be a bit early for most of you - but we have a car heading from Auckland to Rotorua/Taupo this Friday (7th @4pm) with an empty car. If you want to head down that way for any reason then give me a yell on 021 42 42 51.

We'll be coming back on Sunday (9th) and are happy to give you a lift back, so more than happy to take people for non Capoeira related stuff (like family south of Auckland).

Shane (and Sarah)
  Rabo Dobrado
  2006-04-04 14:46:16
Hey all,

Hannah here. I need a ride down to be there for Friday(14th), so thursday (13th) I guess. I can go anytime on thursday if needs be though I do have a class from 12-1 so if it's possible to leave after that, that'd be good too. I also need a ride back preferably on the monday night(17th), as I have a bus to catch to New Plymouth at 12pm on the Tuesday(18th). Um, yeah, if anyone can help me out, give me a buzz:

banahnah at

Awesome, can't wait, see you all there!

  2006-04-04 17:17:58
Hey :0)

I would like to get a ride with someone to Rotorua from Auckland. I have been out of the loop and sont know how things went with getting Vans and Things.

If more cars are needed then I have a car.
  2006-04-05 16:19:51
When are you planning to go Labareda?

I have two definite maybe passengers for the trucklet, could add 1 if necessary, but I'm going Tue 11 eaaaaarly (dep 6am)
  2006-04-05 21:31:49
Ride Needed
I need a ride to the enconter from auckland please
  2006-04-05 21:38:09
You can email me stu22.mcgill at
  2006-04-05 23:59:13
Hi guys, I'm going up to the early classes from Wellington and have spare spaces in my car. If you need a lift give me a buzz [email protected]. see you there.
  2006-04-06 18:35:39
Uh oh. I am also in need of a ride from Wellington... I am doin the weekend (not the pre pre training) so if anyone knows of any seats- i do not take up much room. Could even sit in the back window, on a doily? But i will ponder... Ayden/Bidu
  2006-04-07 10:28:40
Hello my dears,

We can fit two from Wellington going up on thursday morning probably (because my flatmate is cook, so she has to be there lil early).
Therefore Senor Bidu, you can get a ride with us and whoever else wants one.. as long as you are okay with kids in the car!
hugs y'all call me on 3842850 or 0212083947
or email me on [email protected]

by the way I will make a short appearance at end of roda tonight because I have to be somewhere else before - but if you can wait til then, then talk to me tonight

  2006-04-07 10:29:35
whoops email is

[email protected]
  2006-04-08 09:57:10
Hi would love a lift down Thursday night please!!
jobo7 at yahoo dot com
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