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  Topic: CAR POOL for Encounter
  2006-04-08 13:38:17
Hi Jo

You might want to be a teensy little bit more specific where you are going from. Auckland? The fact you are going "down" suggest this but then...
I'd take ya but I'm leaving earlier, sorry.

On that note I still have room, leaving Auckland for Pre-encounter on Tue 11 April 6 am from Grey Lynn my name at
  2006-04-08 18:51:01
Hey, I'll be heading up from Wanganui on Thursday night/Friday morning. Will take the car or the ute so there will be at least three seats. Not that I expect that many capoeistas to be coming from Wanganui.

Give me a bell on 3425 887 or (at) gmail

  2006-04-09 11:24:14
hey i would really love a ride down from auckland to wellington on friday morning
not pre training.
so if ayone has a space please email at lane.coledelu at gmail dot com
or 021556788
thank you heaps
  2006-04-10 01:46:44
I am cruising to rotorua early tuesday morning in time for the PreEncounter In my van, got plenty of space if anyone needs a ride. leaving about 6 in morning
call me, o211687802.
  2006-04-10 01:48:51
Oh by the way my ride is from Auckland.
  2006-04-10 09:48:21
I HAVE SEATS AVAILABLE IN MY RIDE: I am likely to leave either Thursday night or very very early Friday morning.
If YOU are needing a ride contact me on crispins at woosh dot co dot nz.
  2006-04-10 11:06:57
  2006-04-11 01:18:25
Me and Sita have got rides with Labareda, yay!
  2006-04-11 11:02:48
Thank you, Labareda ;-)
  2006-04-11 15:44:11
yo can any one tell me how to get in contact with brabo i tried his cell but he no want to pick up if you have another number email it to my email [email protected] tchao i'll see yall at the encounter un,dois,tres AAAAXXEEE!!!!!
  2006-04-11 22:42:12
Need a lift from auckland please Thursday afternoon / night. Will try Lucifer but failing that anyone else? jobo7 at yahoo dot com
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