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3rd International Capoeira Encounter
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Our school will be hosting its Third Annual International Capoeira Encounter. There will be several expert Brazilian teachers of capoeira and other Brazilian cultural arts such as Samba de Roda and Maculele. It will be a great event. There will be classes every day specifically for beginners who will also be welcome to join the other classes. Classes will be available for all levels and opportunities to meet everyone who is participating. There will be capoeira of different styles including a "showtime" capoeira class. There will be maculele classes and informal introductions to many other cultural expressions from Brazil. It is also a social event and food is an important part of that. Meals will be of a Brazilian taste with Feijoada, Cafe da Amanha and Moquecaes on the menu. There will be a kitchen staff but part of our tradition at these events is for all to dig in an help with food prep, eating and tidy up. It has proven to be an important part of catching up with each other and meeting new people. Another part of the social side of things will be our involvement with Jambalaya of which the Sunday street party will be the highlight.

The encounter will be held over the Easter Weekend, April 9 April 12 at Taupo Nui a Tia College, Taupo.

Mestre Marcelo Caveirinha who will be returning for the third time is the international head of our school. Marcelo comes from a deeply rooted capoeira school in Sao Paulo, Grupo Cordao de Ouru. His mestre, Suassuna has been attributed with bringing capoeira to life in Sao Paulo. Not only is Marcelo a master of capoeira he is an expert teacher and performer of the associated dance Maculele.

Mestre Jogo de Dentro will also be returning. He was here last year and has made a massive impression on our capoeira. Mestre Jogo is the head of a large traditional school of capoeira and is the senior student of one capoeira�s oldest practicing masters, Mestre Joao Pequeno.

Tisza last visited this country with Cool Heat Urban Beat, a major touring performance group from New York. Tisza will be teaching capoeira and maculele and will also be teaching at the Jambalaya festival in Taupo.

Another who was here with Cool Heat Urban Beat and will be a presence at Jambalaya is Cabello. He is a senior student and contra mestre of an elder master who now lives and practices capoeira in New York, Mestre Joao Grande. Cabello is a strong traditional capoeirista and like Marcelo is a dynamic performer of the art in its contemporary form.